
So, like, okay, the Times is now explicitly anti-Biden. Where the hell does it go from here? You already blew the load and called for him to step down, there's a lot of campaign time left, the actual debate impact doesn't look that significant... like what's the plan here going forward?
So now we're supposed to just go back to assuming the Times is on the level about all of this? Just take the Seina and LV screens as in good faith? What the fuck is this shit anyway? Its that Sulzberger isn't even good at the ratfucking that annoys me. Like its so ham fisted
We deserve a better class of saboteurs
Objectively, it's probably a good thing that our foes are mostly idiot nepo babies and angry car dealers. Subjectively, it feels vaguely degrading to have to fight this hard against *these* guys. Like, come on!
Iirc, the Nazis were a bunch of dummy weirdo shitheads too.
I do now very much want to negotiate the commercial terms of a deal, any deal, with him.
Personally past assuming assuming the nyt is level about this at all. The editorial board's take strikes me as the highest form of the nyt's imperious delusions around both Biden and Trump and there is next to no way back.
Nepo kids, man. Assume everything comes on a silver platter.
The second paragraph of this post should be NYT’s official slogan
There wasn’t one. They assumed that they called the shots and whoops. Turns out they don’t. Gosh, imagine that.
Alternate theory: NYT eds are in such an echo chamber that they assumed the people calling for Biden to drop out were far more numerous/influential than they actually are, and they figured they’d better jump on the bandwagon – which is also really embarrassing.
AG Sulzberger has put in print that he has it out for Biden because Biden didn't play ball so I don't think we even need to bother thinking about that layer of management given how we know the Times newsroom to work
Alternate theory: some of them actually believe what they say, others are just always saying what they know the boss wants said.
And if it’s not clear or somehow matters: I’m not even trying to suggest there’s anything defensible about that second group.
Trump gets sentenced on the 11th, Times gets a do-over then. Assuming there isn't a Lebanon war to distract them first! They said they'd still take Biden over Trump so they have an out if it comes to it
There's absolutely no reason to take that claim even remotely seriously given the request for Biden to step down, it is absolute horse shit
Fortunately, if you've been glib & shitty since Ken Vogel was pushing Clinton Cash, you don't need anyone to take you seriously
Looking forward to Biden giving an interview to the NY daily News on the street outside the Times building
Exactly what the hell are they going to write if he wins?
"Joe, ol buddy, it's time to resign. Nate Cohn asked a hundred people who said they probably voted yesterday."
In all seriousness they've left kind of a stunning opportunity for a Democrat to run against the mainstream media. which will be wild!
I actually want Biden to mention the media elites of the NYT at a rally to boos from the audience.
"the NYT thinks it can tell you what to do!"
I know nothing about political comms [no one follow my advice] but yeah, leaning into his age is a good move now, right? Make that weakness a strength
"Anybody read the New York Times? Well, they say I'm too old to do this job [pause for boos] They say it matters more how you do on some test than whether your heart is in the right place. You know what I say? I care about American democracy, but my opponent doesn't, and the NYT doesn't either.
“Everyone is agin’ me except the electorate”
“For the good of the country, Joe Biden must not seek a third term.”
I think the "come at the King you best not miss" very applicable here. They attacked everyone, both Biden and Trump in personal terms and didn't hit anything.
Gotta imagine a lot more coverage on Biden’s age? Just, like, “hey, surprise America, Biden is one day older today than he was yesterday”
At least the campaign should have zero illusions about NYT being an adversarial party now
They're going to continue to undermine the liberal project while projecting a mythical "liberal media" image to the credulous. In other words, business as usual.
I just imagine Sulzberger as Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor. In his little lair calling the newsroom "why can't we bring this guy down???"
AG is never getting that Kiss the Ring interview with Biden now and a bunch of Dems moving forward now know to keep the paper at arms length
I've said before, and this is just my opinion, that you can eeither support the goals of a healthy America or you can support the New York Times. You can't do both.
They torched their credibility at the altar of AG Sulzberger's fee fees.
Well they just called on the incumbent president and current presumptive nominee to step down, so, we're past that as far as I'm concerned
The Times is at best implicitly and at worst explicitly pro-Trump at this moment
Honestly, the Clinton Cash saga should have forced a lot more Democrats to become anti-NYT partisans
I say this a a liberal, but libs are the biggest fucking marks on the planet. The NYT spends years as a gleeful participant in Bannon and Rudy’s ratfucking, and when it pays off libs buy the keyfabe and subscribe en masse as an anti-Trump move.
Pivot again in 2 months without ever acknowledging this
Next step is to print an editorial calling for Biden *and* Trump to withdraw, for balance.
The "plan" is to say ANYTHING that slags Dems and elevates the fascist cause. Same plan they've had since the 30s.
No lie told, Ben. I'm assuming like all newspapers they went out of business thanks to the Internet. In order to not admit that fact, they turned to Russian money, and here we are: maybe we can call 'em NY Today, like a subsidiary of Russia Today?
I mean, New York flipped from Italian Mob control to Russian mob control under Giuliani, so you could say they know what New York Time it is. Can't fault 'em for knowing which criminals to obey.
“the actual debate impact doesn't look that significant...” Based on what? That’s my hunch too, but I’m wondering what you’re referring to.
There's been a 538 article with immediate polling and there have been two polls released today post-debate you can find on 538 as well