
This is kinda interesting. No value judgment, but it's interesting.
My general read on early polls is they will greatly overstate dissatisfaction with the incumbent since people are still in their wish-casting mode of wanting something better and not bearing down on the election where you just need to eat you vegetables. If this the muted support…
I am not happy about a lot of Biden's behavior and I am not even a little bit comfortable about the upcoming election, but my gut tells me that Trump is going to get stomped. He's following all his worst instincts and it isn't 2016 anymore
This is my read, too. Polls have been good at representing the GOP vote share but have undershot Dem vote share; it happened in a big way in 2022
A lot of that is because of unusually active younger voters, though, and that's the same cohort that is most negative toward Biden right now. So it's hard to say how that will manifest in November. They might hold their noses, they might not.
I am also concerned about this, it's a valid fear. But something tells me they'll vote for Biden after seeing Trump threaten to send proud boys door to door hunting "communists" or whatever deranged fascist idea he comes up with next. Trump is fully deranged and nobody is holding his leash anymore.
Where do you get this stuff?
Which part do you find objectionable and why
From Trump's history of saying deranged fascist things?
It will become apparent the insanity of his agenda and that it’s diametrically opposed to theirs. Like back in 2012 many voters didn’t believe Romney-Ryan’s economic plans could be just that evil. November is a long way off and it seems more likely the October surprise will be Dem-friendly
Inasmuch as you can trust a poll anymore, I do wonder sincerely how much of Trump/the GOP's elderly base has died of COVID over the last few years. Is it enough people to affect an election? I suppose we'll find out.
In certain races I think that answer is yes. There are statistically significant differences in the number of Republican vs. Democrat deaths.
What was the margin for that age bracket in the 2020 election?
Is it just me or has polling this cycle been off its meds
maybe the grandkids finally got through to them
No, the republicans spoke a little too cavalierly about Social Security and I think the boomers may have finally listened and put 2 & 2 together.
All the right wing ones died fromthe scamdemic Truly I'm very interested to see how this election pans out after covid
There is a 0% chance Biden is actually up over 20 points with old people in PA
Finally a poll outside the margin of error.
The mass exodus of Americans, if Trump gets votes is insane. Canada needs to start building a border wall right now. The amount of people I know looking into a move to Spain, Portugal, New Zealand and Nordic regions living in Florida/TX/CA right now is something I never expected.
This happens every US election. Lots of people say they'll move and the number that actually move is trivial. "Move to New Zealand" ends up trending for a few days. Is especially funny when it's from republicans who think NZ is a gun-loving libertarian paradise
I don’t care about with lots of people say. I’m speaking from personal experience. From colleagues to neighbors to distant family members. None of them are willing to endure another Trump shit show.
Good we don't need Trump in office he's a psychopathic lunatic that is willing to turn on his own people the second he's in office if Trump wins we're all screwed
State is starting to looking more like the Philly numbers. Maybe all the Republican pushes for total abortion bans and once again calling for ending gay marriage have at least some political consequences?
Post family holidays in December bump?
I don’t understand one thing, has vote falsification really begun to be used in the USA, because after his policies, life has clearly not gotten better in the USA over the past 3 years, or do people of this age only choose someone who is their age?
I can understand, because in The situation in Russia is no better
Unfortch the poll was a fillable pdf
Perhaps the right wingers made one too many old person jokes. Or that age group is old enough to remember that fascists are bad.
I wonder how COVID deaths factor in here.
Biden's political superpower is not being too threatening to old white people
"We visited a Pennsylvania diner to talk to these Trump supporters..."
Do you believe this stuff?🙄
As much as I believe Rump or any GOP member about anything. 🤣
Eeewww politics gross. Joe Biden is a pedo, and Trump is a racist. Both were on Epstein's flight list to his islands
Maybe they want to get the social security and Medicare they paid for
Trump's core demo has born out before as the 50-65 year old range. White late boomers and white Gen Xers, especially with no college degree.
The age breakdowns in recent horserace polls have been wild! Didn't NYT have Biden and Trump tied among 18-25 in PA?