
Will Biden do anything about an illegitimate scotus helping Trump become a dictator before November? If not he should step down because he's not the man for the moment
What do you think he can do outside of abusing the exact power we're all so worried about with Trump?
Pack the court, declare judicial review invalid (didn't exist at the founding after all), refuse to enforce their edicts, ask Congress to pass laws reigning them in, tell Dick Durbin to do his job in senate judiciary, tell the DOJ to investigate Manchin's family ties to lobby groups.
Manchin is already retiring, he just quits if this happens and Jim Justice appoints himself to the office a few months early. Agree with the rest of it, to the extent that it's possible
His daughter is a lobbyists. There's your leverage
This isn't House of Cards. If you threaten Manchin he goes public, resigns from the Senate, Trump gets elected, and any revenge investigation is killed.
Goes public with what exactly? With what? You think west Virginia has a special election before November?? He resigns you investigate his daughter ANYWAY and you need 50 not 51 to pass the Senate. Who's next to be brave in the Senate?
He goes public with "Biden threatened my family if I didn't help him pack the court", of course! No special election -- Jim Justice just appoints himself to the vacancy. Investigating his daughter isn't a compelling threat if the investigation gets killed in six months.
The DoJ is investing his daughter? Damn, hope she didn't break any laws. -based biden
He better hope Biden doesn't get reelected for being so fuckin awesome
The supreme court just said he's allowed to drone strike her
This is certainly a more viable threat than "I'll start an investigation that will never make it to court", I'll give you that
Ok, so let's game that out. DOJ brings a case against someone. The court refuses to hear it on John Roberts order. You start impeachment of John Roberts and make it a fucking election year issue. You know what voters want? Someone fighting. Fighting corruption.
What I'm saying is that it takes longer than six months to investigate someone and prepare a federal court case against them that will make it to court. It has nothing to do with the SCOTUS ruling. (Also, you need control of the House to start an impeachment.)