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TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
These are ghosts clutching at the living, seeking to drag us down into the deep waters of the netherworld, and if we allow ourselves to despair and give up we will give them what they want. March in the streets, scream and shout, use violence if you have to. But don't give up.
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
I'm so tired of the lack of ethics in journalism just to push a narrative. Chris Paul hasn't been a star in years.
BONUS TWEET: Free agent star Chris Paul intends to sign with the San Antonio Spurs, league sources tell @NBAonTNT, @BleacherReport.
Oh OK January 6 was legal, everyone storm Mar A Lago and burn it to the ground and make sure you get the room where Trump was holding the nuclear secrets to sell because he's not going to jail for that either
Breaking news: Federal prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants with obstruction, the Supreme Court ruled on Friday, upending many cases against rioters who disrupted the certification of the 2020 presidential election.
Supreme Court says prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 Supreme Court’s decision on obstruction charge will impact trials of hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters and, potentially, former president Donald Trump.
we must greet canada as liberators tomorrow
If the solution to climate change was in the dick and balls we'd be exploring other solar systems by now.
you think tables are a fckn JOKE
I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
There was two seasons of a show about the Lakers and one season of a show about the Clippers, and somehow both show's main point are that the Celtics are the best. We really don't have to do this. Btw, I'm 36 and they've won one title in my lifetime, they're the equivalent of the Mavs.
just watched Godzilla Minus One. WOW
Former US President Donald Trump has announced plans to hit his son Eric in the face this evening.
JUDGE: have you reached a verdict FOREMAN: we have JUDGE: how do you find FOREMAN: [clears throat] more like donald chump, your honor
Everyone on Twitter is trying to shit on the parade and everyone here is making the good jokes, we have the juice and they have lost the Mandate of Heaven
The arc of fucking around is long but it bends towards finding out.
Martha Ann Alito is furiously googling “how to hang an American flag even more upside down”
Can’t even imagine how weird a flag Alito’s wife has in the chamber for this one
Your thoughts on the verdict Mr Trump
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha DONALD TRUMP IS GUILTY AS FUCK ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oops I mean how terrible for GUILTY AS FUCK DONALD TRUMP
Trump has now failed at arguably the core competency of US presidents (committing crimes and getting away with it)
I'm honestly surprised by the divisiveness around Senua's Saga, in many ways it is a massive step forward in narrative game design
Happy Mother's Day to all those who celebrate. I don't though because my mom has been dead for 18 years. Heart button to the right
What a good caretaker
Our nation’s pundits will have you know that when young people arrive at the same opinion it is due to peer pressure and maybe TikTok, and the fact the pundits themselves all agree on this point is because each examined the question on the merits and just happened to arrive at identical conclusions.
This week I've been thinking about the movie Civil War, and how it is likely far more hopeful than intended. After watching the crackdown on protests everywhere, I think our institutions simply lack the backbone to stand up for what is right