
Judge Glanville issues an order to show cause to *every person* who attended the ex parte meeting in the Young Thug case, asking them why he shouldn't find them all in contempt for snitching
We're well beyond the traditional shores of error so grave as to result in a mistrial. But I still think it's worth pointing out that 2x Jeopardy has, in fact, attached to these defendants! At this point, J. Glanville may well be the best legal advocate for YT's defense.
Don’t you mean jeopardy has attached? Double jeopardy only attaches if they attempt to try them again, doesn’t it?
Accurate & pedantic! You're a man after my own heart. If you were in Dallas, I would reward you with a box of these pencils I keep for nerds like us. I have a stash of them.
Too bad I’m only in Arlington.
And, there goes jeopardy. What a crazy jurisdiction.
If you request the mistrial, you waive double jeopardy unless you can show the state deliberately provoked the mistrial. That's a trial court decision that gets a lot of deference and most judges won't make it against the state.
I sometimes wonder if GA, rather than base their jurisprudence on the common law tradition, decided to important North Korea's legal system., can you clarify this for us?
If GA is this screwed up, why can’t they appeal to federal court?