
Fucking hilarious NYT put their "But her emails" correspondent on a Biden story, when they pay her a lot of money to maintain non-stop access to Trump's camp.
It's not okay for presidents to go to bed at 8. It just is not. Come on.
Why not? It is not as if they won't wake him up for something important. Trump did not even get to work until noon on most days.
Stop. Just fucking stop. This is the most demanding job in the world and you can't just knock off early because eepy.
Maybe read the actual stories. Nowhere does it say he’s going to start going to bed at 8 pm. Also his opponent mainlined Fox News until midnight while in office then had ‘executive time’ until 11 am. Then fucked off to golf for three days. Since you seem concerned about the demands of the job.
Why would "Trump is worse" be a valid reason to not replace someone who can't do the job?
Biden is not being replaced. Not sure what special knowledge you have that indicates he can’t do the job. But you seemed super worried about being up for it. Hope that helps.
He's unfit and that makes us all unsafe, for one thing. It's not okay to be unable to function at night in this job.