
Fucking hilarious NYT put their "But her emails" correspondent on a Biden story, when they pay her a lot of money to maintain non-stop access to Trump's camp.
She's not a reporter she's a vector.
It's not okay for presidents to go to bed at 8. It just is not. Come on.
Thanks! Now complain about something I said.
Why not? It is not as if they won't wake him up for something important. Trump did not even get to work until noon on most days.
Stop. Just fucking stop. This is the most demanding job in the world and you can't just knock off early because eepy.
Maybe read the actual stories. Nowhere does it say he’s going to start going to bed at 8 pm. Also his opponent mainlined Fox News until midnight while in office then had ‘executive time’ until 11 am. Then fucked off to golf for three days. Since you seem concerned about the demands of the job.
Why would "Trump is worse" be a valid reason to not replace someone who can't do the job?
Let's go back that you're still hijacking this thread, claiming it's about something it is not.
Biden is not being replaced. Not sure what special knowledge you have that indicates he can’t do the job. But you seemed super worried about being up for it. Hope that helps.
Trump is not the vice president. He is playing on a different team.
It wouldn't. It would however be a good counter when defending one who has not been replaced.
It is not as if by sleeping at 8 he is unavailable until noon (or at all) next day.
He said he wasn’t going to do events past 8 so he could get more sleep. Absolutely nothing news worthy about that.
Why? I had a professor in college who went to bed at 8pm and got up at 3am. When I was a teenager, I worked overnight and slept from about 7am to 2pm. What difference does it make?
Because the US President needs to be able to make life or death decisions on very little sleep. It's a requirement of the job.
So ridiculous - you're plainly reaching for anything to anti-Biden. Say, bed 8pm, awakened at 2am for some emergency. Rather that, or one who's been up til midnight and now exhausted and not thinking straight? Your random scenarios are no better than any other.
Having to think clearly on little sleep during an emergency, as the president of the United States, is not a random scenario. That is a part of the job.
They would rather try to retcon the entire concept of what a president IS than accept presidents can't just say they need more sleep and so are going to work less.
Come on, man. Imagine that you're an independent, someone who thinks we're making up the danger of Trump because we think racism is just uncouth and J6 was just a riot. To you, these candidates are about equal, but one of them says he can't stay up past 8 anymore. You're not going to pick that guy.
Ppl in that mindset aren't going to pick Biden anyway, they're Trump voters. I get you don't want Biden but he's a capable leader with solid performance. Any criticism falls on his comms team
It’s Epstein’s scoop, Maggie stepped on it, because she can.
Her breathless normal-laundering style just doesn't hit the same.
We’ve got the butter emails lady’s number this time around.
Ah yes, Maggie “Access” Haberman’s at it again.