
Thanks to the revenue sharing thing, it's not just "your ads appeared next to a Nazi" it's "your part of your ad revenue might have *been sent* to a Nazi"
Wait until they look at the tweets of the guy who owns the platform
A lot of them promised the same. A lot of them didn't do this.
Hey Elon, sue me, I scrolled the timeline a bit.
"We are earnestly discussing Nazi content with the owner of the platform who regularly posts and enables it." Note that they don't care about advertising on a platform that hosts Nazi content, just being juxtaposed outright next to it.
How are brands still advertising there? The chances of your ad showing up next to a person advocating white supremacy or worse is remarkably high! And heck, have they looked at Tesla's sales numbers lately? A key reason their sales have stalled is bc of Elon's Twitter activity. Why be there?
I’ve bought a lot of digital advertising in my career and I find it surprising that Hyundai was still there. I’d be genuinely interested in knowing why they think X is worthwhile.
oh no, who could have seen this coming, anyway, how are you?
Again?? Musk filed a vexatious lawsuit (it was thrown out) against Media Matters for exposing that advertisers had their ads alongside hateful content. Why are any major brands still advertising on the platform? Plus, he told advertisers to go fuck themselves.
How many times have they paused and restarted?
Way too many times they should just leave Twitter for good
Boy, when the car company from a country that was a right-wing military dictatorship until almost the 90s and heavily leveraged by the Unification Church says Twitter is too fascist...
Just curious, would VW object to be placed next to pro-Nazi tweets considering the Nazis started VW? Kinda like Ford objecting to an ad next to a pro-Henry Ford tweet
Haven't seen a single VW ad on Twxter since 3 years tbh
Good, but it took this long?
Again? What's the over-under for when they quietly resume the ads? Like a week?
Rich Boi's response? "GO FUCK YOURSELF, I DON'T NEED YOU, I HAVE IAN MILES CHEONG, ANDY NGO, CATTURD, CHAYA RAICHIK & TIM POOL ON MY SIDE!!" "Anyway, lemme reply to a tweet agreeing to one of my blue checkmarked followers about the world being secretly controlled by a cabal of baby eating jews".
Mostly, I don't understand why the fastest growing EV brand in the US would pay money to advertise on a network owned by its competitor.
Tesla isn’t a serious competitor to them.
Why do these businesses bother pausing their ads and complaining to Musk? Surely, they know it's by design now and can take their ad spend elsewhere. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Didn’t Media Matters get sued for saying that could happen to advertisers?
Big win for Hyundai Wonder if NYT will ask Chris Rufo for his opinion on this?