
"many people feel discouraged to like 'edgy' content" And we wouldn't wanna discourage that.
“Edgy”… De ultraderecha a la derecha de los nazis, querrá decir
wanna bet they're going to start faking likes the same way they do with views
scratch that out my friend said every other tweet already has like 50k likes lmao it's already happening just with bots, now they wont even need the bots anymore to pump the numbers lol
Especially for Elon’s xeets. “4.7 billion likes for real!”
He wants to like all the Nazi posts but have us know.
This is so no one can find out what celebs liked JKRs terfy nonsense?
Musk would have to hide retweets, which could be a problem for a social media site that runs on retweeting. Also, half the time they out themselves by replying.
Maybe he wants to encourage retweeting? Perhaps he can better monetize it that way? I expect it is something nefarious what ever it is.
Okay. So that means closet bigots can interact open bigots without fear of retribution. I see what you're doing, Musk.
Yes many of us anti bigots have used "likes" to move from a gut feeling to fact
Good Lord. He really doesn't get what social media is for does he.
no, because everything to him is a transaction
…A broken clock, I guess? Honestly that’s what should have happened ten years ago
Well, advertisers won’t be able to see how many users liked the racist tweet their ads sometimes are exposed to.
Wait, are they hiding the amount of likes on a post? Or just the posts a user likes? Cut of the former, I take back what I said
Either is a problem. How are we going to find out if Ted Cruz liked a porn post?
Ok but I don’t want people seeing that /I/ like a porn post.
"what was a ratio?" >there used to be "dislikes" "what was a ratio?" >there used to be numbers representing likes and dislikes. I'd say "life comes at you fast", but it seems like the end comes atcha even faster.
There was never dislikes on Twitter. “The ratio” is replies (which are mostly criticisms) to likes.
Actually, there was an experimental down-vote functionality shortly before the Twitter sale. I was able to down-vote replies. There was no count shown and it probably only affected the order replies were shown. It was removed along with the "speed-up" changes.
yeah i remember that. i think some people had it and some didn't. i had it briefly, and then it was suddenly gone again and i wondered if it was something i did that took it away.
I spent an afternoon disliking every one of @jacks posts and I didn’t have the feature anymore by sundown same day
Make sure to carve that on X's tombstone. (but good point, I'd forgotten. lol)
truly a golden age for divorced dads who are horny on main
This is so Musk can like slurs and vile content
Elon once thought that the only reason people didn't like him online was because he needed to spend $44 billion to make people like him
It's weird seeing people here complain about this when Bluesky does this too? I can't just crawl through anyone's liked posts on this thread, and I think that's a very good thing. Frankly I don't know why likes should ever be public by default
Bluesky has a 'Likes' tab on the profile page. There is also an API which provides all kinds of data to anyone who wants to go digging.
I know that Likes are visible on your own account, but for example I can't go through your Likes tab, like I hypothetically could on twitter (though I'm not familiar with bsky's API, so maybe I could if I really wanted to).
Why shouldn’t they be visible? You’re making a public action by validating a post. I can like or dislike something without clicking a heart if I want to keep it a secret.
Couple of reasons: 1. It is easy to misclick on both mobile and web. I've found many posts in my "liked" tab on all sites that I know damn well I didn't intend to click (think ads, etc). 2. I think reposts are just the better feature for public action. It's a lot more deliberate. (1/x)
3. While I 100% understand the function of public likes in validating whether or not someone is a bigot etc, I think that public likes are easier for scumbags to weaponize against others. Especially if you interact with local content, it can create a seriously nasty paper trail (doxxing, etc). (2/x)
3.5. People can do some seriously fucked up things on the Internet if they find out enough about you. Extrapolating that to millions of people, some less tech savvy than others, leads to forced public likes being a serious security risk for a lot of people who don't know it. (3/4)
The way a "like" is framed is also more personal than the actual implementation. The name and the heart icon imply some level of privacy. For the average user, they probably didn't even know they were public. So while I think it should be an option, public likes by default does more harm than good.
hes definitely doing this because too many nazis and pedos have been outed as nazis and pedos due to people checking their likes and theyve complained to him that this is happening to them and he likes his nazis and pedos so he will protect them
Blue checks are going to love this. I mean screaming into the responseless void is what they all signed up for, amirite?
Sure this is a step in the right direction, but why not just go all the way and hide everything people tweet?
lol. I mean that literally. I literally just laughed out loud.
"....because “many people feel discouraged” to like “edgy” content." So create a ton of "egdy"/neo-Nazi accounts, let the idiots like them under the assumed anonymity through solidarity and then publicly reveal who the likes are since the account holder can still see them...?
”You don’t have to worry who might see what you like.” Uh huh, Elon will still know what you like, for one.
I am not surprised since Elon Musk turns gold into a pile of shit just like any other capitalist asshole out there.