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Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Marcellus Williams was cleared by DNA evidence and the prosecutor is trying to vacate the conviction, but the state of Missouri still scheduled an execution date for him. Please sign and share this petition
Stop the Sept. 24 Execution of Marcellus Williams, an Innocent Man - Innocence DNA evidence not available at the time of trial proves his innocence but has not been considered in court. Act today.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
9,269 #DeltaGreen bundles have been sold on the Humble Bundle — $326 worth of DG content for as little as $18. We've raised $16k for Covenant House! Help us out, get in there before it ends.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Day 2, 2705 DELTA GREEN BUNDLES SOLD at the Humble Bundle, generating $6,319 for Covenant House! IMPOSSIBLE LANDSCAPES, GOD'S TEETH, THE DG CORE BOOKS, $444.72 What You Want. Get in there, today and spread the word.
Humble RPG Bundle: Delta Green RPG Collection by Arc The Delta Green RPG brings mind-shattering Lovecraftian horror to the modern day!! Get everything you need to play, and help support Covenant House with your purchase!
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
23 years ago, I was railing against Nazis in #TTRPGs. Every gamebook I've EVER released has been filled with the idea that governments are corrupt, and should never be held above accountability. And still, gawking right-wingers can't handle it when I tell them "fuck off, I don't want your money."
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
(If anyone is wondering what brought this on. It is literally 30 minutes into Pride month, and Delta Green changed our logo to show our support, and lo and behold, an email screed from Joe Republican... Who, I hope it has been made clear, can fuck off into the sun).
Save the "I'M TAKING MY BUSINESS ELSEWHERE!" speeches. Thanks. Everyone knows those threats are absolutely fucking meaningless. In any case, enjoy being a monster. Your money can't bribe me to put up with it. So, in closing,
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
The absolute hands-down best thing you could do for the environment involves a guillotine and all the world's billionaires.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
We made a comic about a job interview.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Space Marines are the least interesting thing about Warhammer if we're being honest
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: I was just thinking about how transs people should be eliminated from ssociety Jonathan Chait: whoa whoa! joanne! Chait: you can't say it like THAT Chait: so uncouth Chait: you have to say it with your pinky finger extended
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
All the headlines are owned by twelve billionaires who want Trump to be President so they don't pay any tax. It's not surprising they're pro-Trump.
I know it’s dumb to point out that Trump never gets headlines like this but holy fuck Trump never gets headlines like this
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
defeating phyrexia by alerting the americans about all the oil, causing them to invade immediately
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
I miss my youth. And not because looks, y’all. I miss when I couldn’t hurt myself getting out of bed.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
I love this Hades Aphrodite controversy; it owns so hard. “Aphrodite is too woke, games are so soft” she is a naked redhead on your video game screen. If I played this at 14, my head would’ve exploded. You have lost the plot so badly, it can never be found.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
We don’t know how it happened, but a feral cat is now the primary owner of the casino. All hail our new leader, Professor Bananas.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
friendly reminder that AAA game companies like playstation and xbox and nintendo are not your friend and are bad and you should support indie developers instead because they're better in almost every single way
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
No Xbox Game Studio game has justified Game Pass positively as much as the shadow drop of Hi-Fi Rush. Stuff like Starfield or RedFall has only justified it in the sense of "At least I didn't pay full price for this..."
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Does anyone still care about what Microsoft has to show on June during the Xbox Showcase or whatever? And after today anything they show in it developed by a first party dev could be their last game. Actually with Microsoft's history the game is probably canceled and they don't even know.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Over a million people are sheltering in Rafah and IDF sent in tanks about an hour ago. Rafah is also the only remaining hub for aid groups in Gaza. Israel wants all of those people dead. And we are funding their extermination.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Part of the tragedy of wave after wave of mass layoffs is thousands of those people are leaving game development for good. (And good for them if they find something that treats them better) Years and years of institutional knowledge is winnowing to nothing.
Reposted byAvatar Wingofbenu
Nintendo has known for 40 fuckin' years that you need a library of titles at every budget level to sustain long-term viability. How on Earth do so many other publishers continue to miss this? (it a facetious question I know that they are enslaved to the almighty line and its need to always go up)