
Biden denounces a protest outside a synagogue, remains silent on the auction going on inside the synagogue selling West Bank property forcibly stolen from Palestinians by violent settler mobs.
President Biden on Monday condemned a pro-Palestinian demonstration that took place a day earlier at a synagogue in a Jewish area of Los Angeles, calling the protest “dangerous, unconscionable, antisemitic, and un-American.”
Biden Condemns Protest Outside Los Angeles Synagogue as After a clash between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel demonstrators turned violent over the weekend, leaders said such protests outside houses of worship were unacceptable.
Genocide Joe strikes again.
Yeah, that's not antisemitic at all.
Do you believe holy places should be tainted by blood money? Desecrated by greed and hatred?
For the benefit of any normal people reading this, here's an example of the hateful rhetoric that is so frequently used in relation to the conflict: "blood money"; "greed"; "desecration". I don't know where OP gets it from, but it's very classically antisemitic stuff.
Damn, that's quite the reach. Maybe don't fucking commit genocide and sell the victims shit while the bodies are still warm.
"Conflict" is an example of the retreat into abstraction that is so frequently used in relation to the genocide. I don't know where Joe gets it from, but it's very classically cowardly stuff.
Gosh, what a mealy-mouthed plaster saint you must be.
It's not a trope if you're actually doing the thing, Joe.
Kinda think acknowledging there was at least one Jew that also disagreed with this is pilosemetic if anything
Are we turning all the Jews who disagree with Israel white now? You do you I guess
Thank you. This is the only place I have seen that detail.
Funny they leave the real estate part out
Are the properties actually on the West Bank? This has happened before and the link to the properties I saw were all in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
There you go: Efrat, a settlement in the heart of the West Bank, one of the settlements that Smotrich's committee recently approved for massive expansion. It would be nice if property in illegal settlements wasn't being marketed to diaspora Jews in synagogues, but I guess that's where we are.
Efrat – Hamoshava – Home In
There was also property listed in Ariel, one of the largest settlements in the West Bank. Plenty for sale in Ma'ale Adumim as well. Why do you ask, is there some amount of stolen property that you would consider acceptable for Israeli realtors to hawk in our synagogues?
You're just making stuff up to justify violence against Jews.
Really. What was this alleged "West Bank property forcibly stolen from Palestinians by violent settler mobs" that they were selling?
There you go: Efrat, a settlement in the heart of the West Bank, one of the settlements that Smotrich's committee recently approved for massive expansion. It would be nice if property in illegal settlements wasn't being marketed to diaspora Jews in synagogues, but I guess that's where we are.
Efrat – Hamoshava – Home In
1) Was property in Efrat was being sold at this event? Please don't point me at a deleted webpage for a different event three months ago, on the other side of the continent. 2) You specified "West Bank property stolen from Palestinians by howling settler mobs", which Efrat very much is not. So.
I’d love to hear how you think Efrat is not West Bank property but I’d also love to hear about this violence against Jews you claim happened at the protest.
Motherfucker, Israelis were never supposed to have that territory by their own shit treaties that they chartered.
You are deliberately ignoring CNN. To fit your bullshit skeptical narrative.
So you're denying the reality of this? 🤣 "…was promoted by a firm called My Home in Israel Real Estate…helped to facilitate marketing events for potential property sales in Israel and the West Bank to Jewish Americans. CNN has reached out to the group for comment."
Pro-Palestinian protest outside LA synagogue criticized as ‘antisemitic’ after street fights with pro-Israel protesters | A pro-Palestinian protest held outside a Los Angeles synagogue devolved into chaotic street violence with pro-Israel counter-protesters on Sunday in an incident that several officials, including Presi...
You lost all credibility. Fuck off
no he’s not. one of the best accounts on here. you are acting as if he is bc you want to whine you’re being oppressed so you can then feel justified cheering as hospitals get blown up.
It would be the easiest thing in the world to prove me wrong if the evidence existed. So far the closest anyone has come is to show me a photo of a villa in Netanya 😂
someone should save the cute kitty instead of having live with an ethnic cleanser
now you are doing the wasting everyone’s time pretending like they haven’t posted evidence. you could be sucking that yummy dead iof cum instead of posting
Are you like three years old and think I'll be frightened away if you shout rude words at me? Anyway , some of the not-evidence was in English; surely you can read _that_, or get someone to help.
You were given evidence; you refused it. Only you can choose not to be an asshole. Grow tf up
no one has time for your made up antisemitism paranoia.