
the SECOND time ken has given me covid. yay i am so happy!!!!! very cool that i will have to miss the monthly karting event on sunday. how does paxlovid work should i be calling my doctor for it? no clue what is good for covid care thesis days
oh no katie I’m so sorry call your doctor for paxlovid and if they can’t help you can probably get a prescription through an urgent care it has been helpful for us including when my wife got it very recently
is it good? people in the replies saying they got rebound infections
The rebound infection isn't a new infection, it's that Paxlovid probably should be a longer treatment and doesn't fully eradicate the virus. If you are having respiratory symptoms it's worth it for sure. If not? Not sure.
i have shortness of breath and a slight cough but mostly my joints and head hurt like hell
I am definitely not a healthcare pro. I just happen to have had COVID five or six times (it is a long story). :( :(