
Oh look a country where people strategically try to prevent the anti-democratic party from taking power
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
So we agree the liberals backing Joe Biden must consolidate around a further left position and candidate. Great!
The left is also dropping out when the centrist candidate is doing better in France
The situation here is we have no data suggesting a bunch of back room deals to get some other candidate would be better, but we do know from history that it generally isn't a great alternative
We do know that "some other candidate" wouldn't be suffering from severe mental decline and aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza
What candidate do you think would be better on isreal/Palestine who would be more electable in the US? Besides, there is no world where Harris isn't the replacement. And the whole process would cause more division.
Your current nominee is unable to form an understandable statement and is unable to confront a totally out of control court. He is losing to a convicted felon. If you really cared about winning against trump at all costs you would be arguing to replace him with Kamala
I'm not convinced Kamala would be the better candidate at this point. And if you're saying he's unable to form an understandable statement then you are in some sort of weird bubble
The man was babbling about brother sister raped when asked about abortion at the debate. He started lying about his golf handicap dude. He is totally unable to make coherent statements
That wasn't the context for the first bit, so now I know you didn't watch the debate
Yes it was. And he kept doing it. He said they had found a "new dog" for the border. He repeated "we need the machines" out of context like 7 times. I can keep going. The man is clearly too sick to keep working. To make him do so is elder abuse.