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#atheist #420 #ex-postie Biden-Harris all the way
Veteran USPHS pharmacist, dentist
If you want a president Putin vote for Trump.
I wonder how Alicia Menendez will report on her convicted felon father.
Reposted byAvatar Ron1
Donald Trump "the attempted assassin was a loser and a sucker, I don't like losers, only winners.. a winner wouldn't have missed"
Here is what is known about the shooter so far: He missed
How long before we hear him say "I took a bullet for you"?
Do we still need more guns?
Has he blamed Biden yet?
Reposted byAvatar Ron1
I see two presidential candidates. One is sane, one isn't. One is a loving, caring father and spouse, one isn't. One is honest and truthful, one isn't. Only one isn't a convicted felon. Only one wants to grab women by the pussy.. He thinks he's entitled to do it because he's famous. Need I go on?
Reposted byAvatar Ron1
Women back in the kitchen.
I can't even listen to the news any more. It makes me sick. I think the Democrats are going to fuck this up. Joe is my candidate.. period
I love when a recipe says easy and then you see a list of 25 ingredients.
Reposted byAvatar Ron1
Time for an economics lesson.
I see two presidential candidates. One is sane, one isn't. One is a loving, caring father and spouse, one isn't. One is honest and truthful, one isn't. Only one isn't a convicted felon. Only one wants to grab women by the pussy.. He thinks he's entitled to do it because he's famous. Need I go on?
I am 75, I understand the challenges that you experience with age and I also understand the wisdom you get only with age. I support Joe Biden with all my heart and soul because my eyes are open and I see what he's done and, and, and I see the lunatic he's running against.
She hid the camera because a dog understands that the camera is filming it.. huh?
Reposted byAvatar Ron1
I'm glad I'm 75 years old. You young people will have to deal with this crazy shit. This country drank the lemonade. Disappointing. If the founding fathers that they claim to embrace could see this now. They'd be ready for another revolution.
Avatar That westie you have a picture of (at least I think that's a westie) reminds me of my little Sparky. He was such a loving little dog.
Anyone is better than trump. He's a deranged old man with no principles, no morals and no ethics. I hope he dies.. it can't come soon enough.
The last time Trump ran for President my wife was dying of ovarian cancer. She was glued to MSNBC all day and hated Trump. She wished that she knew how to shoot a gun because she had nothing to lose. We need someone like her now.
I find it strange that no one ever uses the word ASSASSINATION. It's a good word.. straight and to the point. We use it when we're talking about Putin and now we might have our very own Putin.
Relying on the thinking of the founding fathers is as illl convinced as relying on the writers of the many bibles in another lifetime so very long ago. Time for a reboot.
Reposted byAvatar Ron1
I saw a post that says Biden has dementia!?!?Ever work with dementia patients??? ever have 1 of many forms of dementia in your family??? Biden isn’t in dementia…Trump is, Biden has a natural stutter an he shows fatigue like any human an a cold…Trump is the poster child for dementia… get a med degree
Water dripping from the condo unit above me from his water heater all night. There is an HOA and I've just notified them but it is the middle of the night. What would you do? It's not a flood, just a constant drop onto my kitchen counter. I hate this shit!
Maybe we should storm mar a lago
Does this mean that Joe Biden can now call on seal team six to assassinate Trump without worrying about any legal recourse?
Last night when Trump was talking about migrants talking black jobs.. WTF is a black job Donnie?
Reposted byAvatar Ron1
From his rally today. President Biden: “Let me close with this. I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easily as I used to. I don't talk as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. Well, I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong.”
Reposted byAvatar Ron1
“ I know I am not a young man… I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to get things done. When you get knocked down, you get back up.” Pres. Biden