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Dogs, books, integrity matters, democracy matters, writing. #ExPostie
Yay! Elon is moving Space X out of CA to TX. Don’t let the door hit you. 😊
Reposted byAvatar Shar
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
On the RFK tape, trump is trying to get him to drop out by appealing to and agreeing with one of RFK’s key issues, anti vaccination. They deserve each other.
Reposted byAvatar Shar
Tesla's CEO pledged almost $200 million to the candidate who wants to end the EV tax credit, lift gas mileage restrictions, end subsidies for electric charging infrastructure, and penalize EV owners. Because it's not about EVs or saving the planet. It's about his personal power.
Reposted byAvatar Shar
Menendez’s biggest mistake was not appointing three Supreme Court justices.
Remember, if the government can obtain a conviction against Bob Menendez for taking bribes and stuffing gold bars into his closet that he was given for working on behalf of a foreign government, there's nothing stopping them from indicting you for the same thing.
The party that wears AR-15 pins on their lapels in congress, poses with guns for Christmas pictures, and refuses to enact even the smallest of commonsense gun legislation, blames democrats for "violence".
One of the most pathetic figures in politics has to be Tim Scott. Yikes.
I saw a Reddit post saying cable media is over-the-top with their coverage of the RNC convention. Apparently Nicole Wallace called trump’s appearance “electric”!? Good grief! He’s a freaking felon! This is propaganda not news. Reasonable ppl shouldn’t even be hate watching that crap.
Reposted byAvatar Shar
Thinking fondly of all the liberals who gave Hillbilly Elegy glowing reviews and otherwise legitimized someone who was always very clearly a reactionary shapeshifter
This cover of the New Yorker is, wow
There are a few media-related things that make me smile. One of them is seeing that ratings are down across cable news. I hope that *finally ppl are catching on and choosing not to tune into these info-tainment shows anymore. A girl can hope. 🤞🏻
Vance is an extremist. Not a surprising pick.
Harris will wipe the floor with Vance in a debate I think.
Good grief, America needs to catch a break this week.
Democrats should introduce sensible gun safety legislation, name it after trump and force republicans to go on record voting against it.
I don’t think it’s right to expect ppl to be *nice to a man who has only ever sh$t on people unless they were white, rich, male, etc etc. it would be completely inauthentic for me to speak *nice abt someone I believe has caused so much hate & destruction.
What happened yesterday does not change the fact that trump is a danger to democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. Stay on message bc this is the message.
President Biden has spoken directly to Trump, his campaign team is removing tv political ads today. Biden is a decent person. We can all be honest and say that if the roles were reversed it would be different.
I’m sure Nancy Pelosi and her husband remember how terrifying it is when someone tries to take your life. Remember the comments about Paul Pelosi? I do. Mean, sickening, awful hate after he was attacked.
Anyone else just deleting posts over again bc nothing seems appropriate for this moment?
Reposted byAvatar Shar
If Trump was in jail this wouldn't have happened.
This timeline we’re in makes me want to
Anywhooo I’m sorry to hear about the passing of Richard Simmons. He seemed like he just wanted to spread joy to others through fitness throughout his life.
Ugh the news cycle the next few days. 😑
My cynicism is second only to my skepticism and I hate it, I really do.
We’ve been traveling all week. A lady got on the rental car shuttle with a shirt that says, “Make America Trumpless”. She sat down next to this couple who promptly stood up and moved as soon as she sat down. 😂
“It’s time for us to stop treating politics like entertainment.” -Joe Biden I’ve been beating this freaking drum for over ten years. It’s just so bizarre and unhealthy IMO.
I like to let consumers decide for themselves which companies to patronize but knowledge is power. I advocate looking into which companies directly support project 2025. Don’t just take someone else’s word for it. Look into it for yourself.
Reposted byAvatar Shar
People are like “HOW WILL BIDEN’S NUMBERS EVER IMPROVE” and the answer is literally “they’ll improve when you talk about something other than how he’s gonna lose”