Bennie "BigTig" Tiger

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Bennie "BigTig" Tiger

Biggus Tiggus.

Plays music. Helped found Anthrocon. Started eff-net #furry IRC.
Runs Past editor of Megamorphics. First full-time giant tiger on Furry Muck.

House tiger for SueDeer
Mastodon: @[email protected]
Oh no. We had to go down past this place again. More pies earlier in the day. They pull the names as they sell out. Oh no. The sideboard has peach cobbler a la mode.
They shut down the street and the last concert was on the town square...
In the last few weeks I've performed at about a dozen concerts. Crossing: E-flat clarinet, clarinet, bass clarinet, bari sax, and vocals. You know, at one point I was worried I wouldn't find much music to do out here when I moved.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
So Furryland (formerly Furnando's) had a giant (6-foot by 6-foot) pizza box to let people put stickers on. Here are both sides of the box at the end of the con. #anthrocon #anthrocon2024
One of the few perks of being rural versus living somewhere like Silicon Valley is the diner game is off-the-hook. Found this one a few days ago.
If a place has metal edged Formica counters, it’s a safe bet the pie will be amazing.
The waitress walked by with a fresh peach pie. It's what we had. OMG was it so good. If you ever visit, and don't mind getting up early, this is THE place to grab brunch and pie.
The con experience captured in one sentence.
Them: furries have a well-regulated system Me: it's been three hours, can someone please just pick a restaurant to go to, my stomach is eating my brain
That moment when you wish you had met in 2019… Because you were busy confusing latinist twitter by asking how to translate “pick up your own hairball” to Latin.
Every so often I used to post this infographic about and the stapler wolf and paw. It's nice to see Fang, Feather & Fin did a larger writeup on it:
It's happenin y'all
Ok. This is something cool and unique that will be on stage at at 5pm on Friday. has authored a rock-opera type album of a story about "Ony the Circus Bear" At Anthrocon, its going to be performed live with a cast of voices and singers. (1/2)
Look, I'm just saying there's one good thing about Pittsburgh's humidity: 3300+ fursuits parading on a carpet would probably make a lightning-bolt of static electricity if it was dry. And that's how you end up with flaming fursuits and sadness. #Anthrocon2024 #Anthrocon
The fuzz that 3300+ fursuits leave on a carpet as they walk by... #anthrocon #Anthrocon2024
All right! Back from #anthrocon *deletes 47 emails from Linked-in*
A long time ago, a friend convinced me to go help this little con in Albany, NY. If you had asked me if I thought that 26 years later it would be 17,639 attendees with 3300+ fursuits in the parade and raise more than $100k in charity. I would have laughed at you. #anthrocon #anthrocon2024
(At Anthrocon) Remember: Blackmail first. THEN render assistance.
Sound checking the big band. We go live at 3. This stage is Amazon. #anthrocon #anthrocon2024
Let's see... jazz band rehearsal to 1am... dinner at Furryland/Furnandos and back to the room by 2am. Anthrocon is crazy, y'all.
Rehearsal time. Gotta make sure tomorrow goes well.
Are at on Friday? Anthrocon was the first furry con to feature a full-size big band last year. And we're back! We've got a mix of everything from Ellington to video game tunes coming you way. 3pm Fri on DLCC stage. #anthrocon #anthrocon2024
Do you like singing? Maybe in a choir? There is a furry choir that's going to perform as part of Anthrocon Tonight at It's open to anyone who would like to sing.
Anthrocon 2024: Furry Choir View more about this event at Anthrocon 2024
Phew! In the homestretch of running errands and tying up loose ends to leave for Anthrocon tomorrow. YES, I will be in the Dealers Den! Table L19!
I'm gonna let all my European friends in on a little secret I'm not supposed to tell: Do you know why Americans still use Fahrenheit for temperature? Because 69 is nice.
Ok. This is something cool and unique that will be on stage at at 5pm on Friday. has authored a rock-opera type album of a story about "Ony the Circus Bear" At Anthrocon, its going to be performed live with a cast of voices and singers. (1/2)