
People who believe nothing you post has impact- have no idea how to use a platform & they may also have an interest in discouraging you from speaking out. Online activism matters. Look at what they did to Twitter. Twitter was previously one of the most important communication tools on the planet.
Funny how a lot of the “your online activism doesn’t matter” folks are ALSO the “tiktok is why young voters hate Biden” or “social media is the only reason people think the economy is bad” people. It can’t be useless if it’s also the thorn in the side of the powerful.
This was written about fascism but the flake-centre also uses parallel rhetoric: terrifyingly powerful but also, pathetically weak. Useless, empty, style of argument. But fash don't care about truth and centrists think they are its sole arbiters. Identical outcomes.
It's complicated, because we do still genuinely need more boots on ground or in person organizing and activism. But I've also seen just how much good has been done through things like operation olive branch and information campaigns.
Online activism is crucial actually, it just also has to grow outside of that..
This. Thanks. I enjoy hearing about the campaigns that make a difference. 💜
Or a tool for bullying and harassment. Just call it “activism.”