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Ex military (Canadian Forces), retired, love my pets and family, enjoy reading.
You know. If there really was an organized group called Antifa (and I've tried to get into meetings, but there ain't one!), I hope they plan to trash the RNC Convention... That's what the RNC is promising if they lose the election. Turnabout fair play...
Reposted byAvatar BillyDee
Hell yeah, naps are healthy!
Voting for State Supreme Court Justices are even more important... Heck, voting for dog catchers is probably important, but this is critical for your democracy
Something people are sleeping on: One of the 4 state justices who voted to make abortion illegal in Iowa in late June, David May, is up for retention this fall. This was a 4-3 decision. One of 3 states in which justices who upheld bans this year are up:
Your State-by-State Guide to the 2024 Supreme Court Voters this year are deciding the fate of 82 seats across 33 states’ high courts. Cases involving abortion, democracy, and other critical issues hang in the balance.
Listening to Deadline: WH this afternoon, the NATO portion and it pisses me off. The way they talk, it's like NATO is an alliance betw the US and Europe. Canada has been a member since the beginning & we're not the 51st State! I know we're a small fish but we're proud members!
Day 20: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
If they have their way, the GOP will make this illegal too...
Day 19: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
Warning! Make sure everybody knows. Shouldn't he be on some sort of sex offender list? Would you want him living in your neighborhood?
W A R N I N G : Known Pedophile running for public office again !!!!!
Day 18: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
As we watch Independence Day this afternoon and listen to President Bill Pullman's speech to the troops, I could only imagine if the alien invasion had occurred during Cadet Bonespurs administration. Bye Bye world...
Day 17: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
In our case it was mini - schnauzers but the thought remains. 🐶
Day 16: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
Day 15: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
Day 14: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
Happy Canada Day! Let's hope the Blue Jays can win today!
Steve Bannon realizing he's got 4 more months of prison philosophizing to listen to. HAPPY INCARCERATION DAY, you fat fascist. Good thing you don't believe in showering, eh?
But... but... that was my high school poem. 'I grow old, I grow old.... '
Day 13: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
Reposted byAvatar BillyDee
Kelly-Anne Conway runs up against St. Peter, the fact checker.
I'm probably late to the parade, but can someone answer this please? Ken Buck leaves his district in CO and it's now vacant, right? Handjob Boebert decides to switch districts and run in Bucks' district? So does that mean both districts? Why is she still in the House?
My dog Clyde disagrees.... sort of.
Day 12: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.
Day 11: Challenge to post 20 books that greatly influenced you, one book per day. No explanations or reviews, just covers. You can join anytime.