
I swear I was at a beach well-known here in Newfoundland for humpback whales because there's a super steep drop-off mere meters away from shore so they can come up incredibly close while feeding on capelin but all of my photos look fake as hell because it looks impossible 🌿
That's awesome. There were places on PEI where we could walk out a mile in the water and never go over our hips (so that's where everyone dug quahogs) and others where people had to watch their kids like hawks because it went from 2 feet to 20 feet deep in 3 steps.
Oh cool! It feels like an optical illusion when that happens, water can't be trusted!!!
I want to go to there oh my god that's so cool
It is extremely cool!!! We timed our trip thinking two hours would be enough and we definitely could have stayed for about 400 more hours actually
That's so awesome!! The cool thing for me would be my extremely motion sickness prone partner could do it with me!! A dream!!!
Oh my GOD this is amazing. It's blowing my mind.
That is SO cool. The second picture with the whale tail is especially good. Although I bet that beach is murderous, if it’s anything like our steep drop-off beaches 😅