
sort of half convinced swapping out Harris would be a marginal increase in Dem chances, but I am extremely sure that being stuck in this discourse for the rest of the campaign would be ruinous
the times continues its vigorous campaign to end democracy. literally the same playbook they ran in 2016 with the emails. we're so fucked. i'm existentially depressed.
Seems risky to openly admit "OK, we were lying to the country for years when we insisted Biden was sharp as a tack, no hard feelings, here's someone else we definitely wouldn't lie to you about." Would help if he just said "Look, I'm not quitting" to end the Discourse though.
I don't think that would end it. They could message that he's okay but he understands the country's concerns and they deserve to have confidence in their candidate so blah blah blah. And that wouldn't be a lie.