
sort of half convinced swapping out Harris would be a marginal increase in Dem chances, but I am extremely sure that being stuck in this discourse for the rest of the campaign would be ruinous
the times continues its vigorous campaign to end democracy. literally the same playbook they ran in 2016 with the emails. we're so fucked. i'm existentially depressed.
Seems risky to openly admit "OK, we were lying to the country for years when we insisted Biden was sharp as a tack, no hard feelings, here's someone else we definitely wouldn't lie to you about." Would help if he just said "Look, I'm not quitting" to end the Discourse though.
Would really help if he said literally anything, besides waiting another three days to get interviewed by Stephanopoulos. How he's not out every night (with a pre-recorded interview from between the hours of 10AM-4PM) is ongoing malpractice.
Yes, and the reason why they are *not* doing that stuff is no longer confusing or inexplicable or stupid or etc. They are slow walking *everything* because that’s the only speed the President can go. It’s grim.
Truer words. I don’t think it’s a glib point to note that if Biden cannot be summoned more fully to defend his own political life, how can we expect him to defend ours in the way that will be needed until the next inauguration?
Yeah, I still have a tiiiny bit of hope that Biden still *can* run a successful campaign, but TBH I think we’re witnessing another Feinstein attempt- conceal the decline until it’s too late to be replaced.
The much-ballyhooed “Hitler oopsie” that the NYT did where they evaluated his anti-semitism as overblown was 1922, well before the Nazis came close to power. Trump’s already been there. We know the LEAST of what he’ll do. How bad do you have to fuck up to do worse than your Hitler failure, NYT?
I don't think that would end it. They could message that he's okay but he understands the country's concerns and they deserve to have confidence in their candidate so blah blah blah. And that wouldn't be a lie.