
At the putsch, a bullet missed Hitler by a foot. He drew a sympathetic judge. The Wall St crash revitalised his ailing party. Hindenburg conveniently died. The Reichstag burned at just the right moment. He survived several assassination attempts. People like this have the luck of the devil.
I'm constantly marveling at Trump's luck as a politician. He only won in 2016 because he ran against one of the Democrats' weakest candidates. In 2024 he ends up running against someone even weaker.
Not to mention WWI, where on any given day between 1914 and 1918, the odds of allied artillery preemptively ending his political career were probably in the double digits.
A British sharpshooter had Hitler in his sites during a German retreat, but he decided he didn't want to kill a corporal when they weren't in the middle of battle