Jack Graham

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Jack Graham


Writer, IDSGpod co-host, antifascist, Gothic Marxist-Humanist, Ecosocialist. BLM, Trans Rights, Solidarity with Ukraine & Palestine. He/Him.
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Reposted byAvatar Jack Graham
Sometimes you can look at a picture and instantly tell it was taken in England.
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Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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UK Labour's last three vote counts, percentages and seats. Man that's one fucked up voting system. 2024: 9,650,254 / 33.8% / 411 2019: 10,269,051 / 32.1% / 202 2017: 12,877,918 / 40.0% / 262
Reposted byAvatar Jack Graham
Starmer got less votes today than Corbyn did in the "disaster" of 2019, which Labour have given up absolutely every principle to avoid repeating. This wasn't a Labour win, it was a Conservative loss. Remember that for next time.
UK Labour's last three vote counts, percentages and seats. Man that's one fucked up voting system. 2024: 9,650,254 / 33.8% / 411 2019: 10,269,051 / 32.1% / 202 2017: 12,877,918 / 40.0% / 262
Oh great. Nothing worrying here.
This is fascinating on the Reform vote. Especially these ways in which they are different to Tory voters. yougov.co.uk/politics/art...
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Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
Labour's landslide victory is based on their vote share going up a whopping 1.7% from 2019. UK elections definitely make sense.
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The goodish news - Reform has only 4 seats, the same as the Greens, so the exit polls were badly wrong. The really bad news - Reform has more than 4 million votes, more than Lib Dem on 3.5 and not far behind Tories on 6.7 million and Labour on 9.6.
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Typical coverage on #C4BritainDecides the graphic shows reform with 4 seats but the Greens, who also have 4 seats are listed in "others" I suppose it will be like that for the next 5 years.
I kept having this bizarre feeling of wanting to see if Vivek Ramaswamy had lost in his constituency. There's just something very British Tory MP about the guy.
BREAKING: After surprise last-minute rally, Tories win!
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Say what you want about Wes Streeting, but he's absolutely smashed the balsawood ceiling in terms of the level of senseless carnage a haunted ventriloquist's dummy can aspire to create.
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Looks like Galloway is out in Rochdale. 🥳
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I wrote about TENDER IS THE FLESH, Agustina Bazterrica's jaw-dropping novel about dehumanization, cultural inertia, meat, and the institutionalization of cannibalism. www.patreon.com/posts/107475...
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To counter this sort of jingoism, let's revisit the development of nativism from its origins, tracing the common threads that connect all the ways that the rich have preyed on the fears and prejudices of the exploited to turn them against those worse off than themselves: crimethinc.com/nativism
Nativism and the Foundations of US Xenophobiacrimethinc.com Nativism, the doctrine of prioritizing native-born people of European origin over other immigrants, has a long history in the US. The ascendency of Donald Trump is just the latest chapter.
A Tory on the BBC election coverage just said "We've got to unite the Right".
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Big victory for Labour — so big that the NYT just gave Sir Keir his own version of ‘Joe Biden Is Old’
Wahey! A new IDSG bonus episode is in the can! @danielharper.bsky.social & I reconvened (for the first time in ages, owing to IRL fuckery of various kinds) to record, and it was a blast. New bonus for patrons coming soon, on Independence Day (1996), a SF comedy about genocide.
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Exit poll suggests 13 seats for Reform, a stunning breakthrough for electoral fascism in the UK.
This is a Fast Show character. This is not a real person. This is a Fast Show character. I'm convinced I'm right about this.
This is the tradcath weirdo whom the @nytimes.com is publishing to tell you not to vote. You should not listen to him. Instead, you should shove his ass into a locker and burn the entire campus containing said locker to the ground. (The campus is Hillsdale)
This post is poorly worded. I didn't mean to say that Reform will immediately become the main opposition, because I don't think the Tory Party will immediately completely die.
Today could be the end of the Conservative Party. Its been coming for a while. But it will leave behind it a fully functioning, more-or-less openly fascist party as the fully normalised, main right-wing opposition party in the UK.
I hear she has several anyway.
Nina Power has deactivated her twitter account
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Trump: Biden has to be in bed by 8pm but I promise to America I will sleep 3 hours a night in order to fit in the amount of raping stealing and murdering we need to get done to fix this country NYT : Trump promises a robust presidential ambition
Today could be the end of the Conservative Party. Its been coming for a while. But it will leave behind it a fully functioning, more-or-less openly fascist party as the fully normalised, main right-wing opposition party in the UK.
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Worth noting that the 'crisis' of kids socially transitioning at school without notifying their parents was almost entirely seeded by a NYT article. Even in conservative states, this was nowhere on the legislative agenda a year ago and now it's everywhere.
Missouri HB.1739 contains provisions for the immediate dismissal and 4 year suspension from employment for any nurse, teacher or social worker who calls a student a name other than that which is on their school registration forms, or fails to report a non-cis identity. legiscan.com/MO/bill/HB17...
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The Right’s plans for a return to power are driven by a desperate sense that nothing short of a reactionary counter-revolution will suffice to save nation from the onslaught of fundamentally anti-American woke,” “globalist” forces - and that there is very little time left to pull it off. 5/