
I need white people specifically to understand this or defer to people of color who do They hate us more than they like themselves. That’s the why Trying to decode it, feeds into their worldview That everything g must center them .. or it should not exist
When southern states closed public swimming pools because they didn't like the requirement of mixed-race swimming classes, even KNOWING that would raise the rates at which white kids drowned, that's when I knew "white communities" would pay any price for racism.
Public pools used to be everywhere in America. Then racism shut them An excerpt from “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together.”
When "Stochastic child sacrifice" is the price they're willing to pay to keep a community "pure," you know they've lost all moral compass, and your only option is to fight.
The heart of why we don’t have universal healthcare or public transit or walkable cities or nice public spaces
I've tried explaining this to some of my fellow white Leftists and while most of the time they listen, almost as often I get told "this is a distraction from the class war" and called a Liberal for my efforts.
There are dumb people on all sides.
Is your friend Jackson Hinkle and Jimmy Dore?
As someone who is queer, I've seen friends hurt and if there is one thing I've learned. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" is an acceptable outcome because they get to blind us and as an added bonus, would never have to see us again.
Antiblackness has always been a fundamental reference point for the definition of white identity, ever since the initial fabrication of the category of “whiteness” over the course of the 17th-18th centuries.
The whole reason it was made up was to trick poor white folks into identifying with the ruling class that oppressed them, rather than their fellow oppressed folks. “I may be poor but at least I’m not Black” is the essential defining principle of whiteness.
Yes. Yes. Well put. Thank you for putting it that way. This is why they're willing to give up thing's like healthcare so that POC, specifically Black and Indigenous, don't get it.
Such white people can just shut up and sit down. I know they exist, they won't let me forget their existence, and I don't care for that kind of militant, cruel selfishness.
This is a very concise description of the insanity we're seeing these days. I will be quoting you often.
As a kid I used to think it was jealousy - we spent all that money on tanning and tanning products only to hate people who didn't need any.... seemed like jealousy. But I was young and sheltered too.
If you've never read it, the Hemingway criticism in Toni Morrison's Playing in the Dark collection really speaks to that phenomenon.
I haven't - I will. Thanks