🇬🇾🗽Sydette The Dreaded Gorgon🗽🇬🇾

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🇬🇾🗽Sydette The Dreaded Gorgon🗽🇬🇾


Here to hold my name . She/her / yourgorgoness
- Far Rock’s finest
- expert of miscellany master of “SON!?”
- Chronic Cassandra
- writer
- Senior Fellow
- Oracle at Dead ass
Every ow and again people ask me about “grudges/ beefs” I have and they think it’s like “oh I hate her writing” And not She used a sex offended as a public shield and then deleted all evidence she approved an editorial from him calling facials feminist
I had been denied Shitty Men in Media Access based on personal beef meaning they would leave me to known rapists because “everyone important knows” And no matter what anyone says it’s almost always along class/race/gender lines Which abusers tend to target
Judging folks for not knowing the thing "everyone knew" in your whisper network is a great way to tell the people whose safety you don't care about that you also feel morally superior to them.
Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead web.archive.org/web/20240629...
Oh and Threads is having problems ?!? Based around content suppression and racism And Blue Sky isn’t working
Hey assholes? It’s so hard right now Breathe. Take a moment? A beat . However slight. truly BREATHE . Not to escape , not to flex breathe into being here now. Beyond your defenses So much is hurting , spiraling dire Breathe . Grieve Begin . Again
It’s the very infrastructure that is being ignored & in a lot of ways built by the Dems that will be bring it all to fruition is the wild part. Not only the police but the very policies that are pushing people into the street, keeping people hungry, constricting opportunities aimed at poor Black ppl
Every single day in America the equivalent of one of white America's huge freak outs over fascism happens in the Black community in our times. That's not a lie. That's why white people literally look pathetic to us. @blackamazon.bsky.social
All the big rights the white people are panicking about losing in America, they have zero attention of the huge attacks on Black people. America is in the process of reversing to Jim Crow, the state's very police are getting more & more funded & armed & killing us more. @chadstanton.bsky.social
A lot of the supposed Left stay confused why people don't join their orgs when their strategy is identical to the Klan's goals: "Have Black folks catching the bullets, undefended & unsupported, this will lead to utopia!"
whatever my despair is that I have to find consistent income because if I am unhoused and found sleeping , I'm a criminal and that keeps getting forgotten as part of the fascist push but the people who study me are fine with that because ima not proactive enough or some shit
Folks so anti cancel culture you helped cancel most of your rights and now are helping fascists rewrite history
iT's funny watching white people ( and that includes Antifa) center their beliefs on protesting right now when all it tool for any of. you to reject protesting was having it led by Black women
if you and I have never spoken and you drop random shit in my mentions to "raise awareness" I block you I am not doing political mule work on Blue sky
The inability to block from a post directly is huge failure of Blue sky
People do not seem to understand how much of the “Why are you shocked” Is pain and grief Why wasn’t it important when it happened to me ?
If we’re mutuals and you actually are interested in helping people know their rights I’m gonna be working on a project possibly so let’s see
From Journalism to Media to Tech to policy to advocacy to government the message has been “Let us handle it” And every one of those industries gatekept and said They had it SO WHEN EXACTLY DOES EVERYONE GET GO ASK HOW THE PEOPLE HANDLING IT ARE SHOCKED
It’s one thing if a lot of the smug admonitions actually allowed for other folks humanities ? This SUCKS But nah it’s mostly control and projection with a demand that nobody else feel anything you don’t approve of Masquerading as humanity Like folks don’t have YEARS of being made to wait
When do the people most constantly targeted and ignored get to FUCKING ASK THE QUESTION OF HOW WE ARE SURPRISED what’s the condition? In what forum ? What do we have to show And if you “didn’t mean us” Then who do you mean because never LISTENING OR INCLUDING US is part of the problem
For real! I’m a Black 1G . We been having these convos and BEGGING BEGGING for help so “How are you surprised” is a valid question for us to ask because we been STEEPED IN IT and MOCKED for asking And that’s not including Indigenous folks or QUEER Black folks So when do we get to ask
Also they don’t know Black radicals, Black people in general, or Black southerners if they think we fall all over ourselves in shock over stuff like now. We just don’t as people. It’s all very much part of how we know America to be & how it’s always been for us. So sorry if that’s not you.
I’ve worked in journalism for YEARS and was told to “calm” down So yeah a lot of people want to know why the people who made bold claims about fleeing and ignored people and OPEN WARNINGS want to know WHY ALL THE FOLKS WHO CLAMORED TO BE CENTERED DON’T KNOW
People actually do want to know “how are you shocked “ when many folks have bragged about not listening and had jobs based on knowing And folks can’t get even a tweet about the judges in their areas who’ve done worse for years and NO they don’t know who you are And why should they check
Like in sorry as angry and loud as I am ? I promise you your average non white teacher in the south knew longer A lot of the shocked people have been fucking BRAGGING for decades about not talking to anybody but other privileged folks So yeah the folks left out have questions