Andrew M. Reichart

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Andrew M. Reichart

Writer, editor, publisher, therapist, abolitionist, antifascist, Jew, heathen, warlock, werewolf. He. Co-writer of the Weird Luck webcomic - Author or editor of several titles at
I for one am glad the Cybertruck exists bc what other vehicle is out there providing nonstop hits like this
This poem was formative to the evolution of my religious experience. (thread)
1/ One night a man was crying, Allah! Allah! His lips grew sweet with the praising, until a cynic said, "So! I have heard you calling out, but have you ever gotten any response?" The man had no answer to that. He quit praying and fell into a confused sleep.
making a playlist of these songs
Your honor, my client came down on a lightning bolt, with fire and brimstone coming out of his mouth. He has the voices of many in his throat, and, as you can clearly see, the teeth of a frog and the tail of a goat. Need I say more? Your honor, he drank the water from the fiery sea!
May his memory be a blessing.
tonight is the 100th yahrzeit of yaakov yisrael de haan, the queer haredi poet and political activist who was murdered in jerusalem by the haganah (the proto-idf) for his active opposition to the establishment of a jewish ethnostate in palestine.
Jacob Israël de Haan -
Quote and give your followers 4 random-ish images as a timeline cleanse Posey, looking elegant Rue, looking coy Accidental screenshot of my phone when I was listening to the Nile song “Where Is the Wrathful Sky” with a low battery Duolingo emblem celebrating a 69 day streak (nice)
Quote and give your followers 4 random-ish images as a timeline cleanse Detail of angel wings worn by a model at a 1984 Thierry Mugler runaway show Young woman dressed as an autumn fairy Bill Cunningham photo of some NYC Easter Parade attendees, year unknown Ivan Mestrovic sculpture
This has been sky-is-blue obvious for decades & it utterly baffles me that anyone can fail to see it. I feel like a clueless dingdong for not fully realizing it until 1995.
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
Thank you Joy Reichart for this beautiful interview. Your groups are so accessible and do help us come home to ourselves.
1/9 Fascists are not civil, but they demand that you be civil. Fascists crush up feelings of personal resentment and snort it in lines, like cocaine. Aggrievement is their drug.
Everyone is brainwashed with dangerous propaganda. Everyone. Your job is to figure out how you are brainwashed, and undo it.
i couldn’t resist, i drew another terrible comic
This clip of Reggie Jackson should be shown at every ball game for the rest of the season in lieu of the national anthem.
Watch Reggie Jackson speak absolute unfiltered truth tonight - I watched it twice. He isn't romanticizing shit - just jaw dropping.
Full Reggie Jackson answer to Arod's question about returning to Rickwood Posted in r/baseball by u/Stock412 • 4,147 points and 367 comments
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
Writing fan fiction is done for one's own enjoyment, which is shameful and wrong. Whereas writing a licensed work in an established IP is done to create wealth for a corporation, which is virtuous and good.
Cat & Angel gramophone needles, ca. 1930s. Item from my collection.
My apologies to the Italians I wasn’t familiar with your game
happy pride
Thus, then, in our hearts’ honeymoon, lay I and Queequeg—a cosy, loving pair.
I really love the 1988 cartoon (from the Advocate's regular cartoonist, Gerard Donelan) - both in context and as a beautiful exploration of grief and remembrance