
"Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago" is gonna get thrown around a lot this cycle and somehow it's gonna be about the price of gas and eggs, and not how we ran out of space in the morgues and had to stack bodies like firewood in vans in central park
Trump didn't just screw up the economy. He let many thousands die bc he couldn't be bothered abt their safety. Never was there any doubt that COVID could be extremely dangerous. On Jan. 1 2020, reading a news report abt the new disease in China, I realized we could face a world pandemic in months.
In early April 2020 I got a hot tip that a corner store about a mile from me had toilet paper - kept behind the counter, you had to know to ask for it. Went there and paid $3/roll and felt like I won the lottery
Four years ago we were clubbing toilet paper hoarders over the head in the streets. I’d say we’re light years better off.
My wife is a TP hoarder during the best of times… I don’t think we ever fell below an inventory of a dozen rolls.
As somebody who grew up dirt poor and often went without, thus leading me to have best-stocked pantry west of the Mississippi at all times, remember telling my husband, 'I was born for this moment' (And, yes, knowing how extremely lucky we were to have the space, and funds, to keep extras on hand)
Are you me? (Except I am east of the Mississippi)
I only found the stores completely out once when I went to buy and I found some 2 days later, I never ran out but the possibility of running out freaked me out and now I keep a minimum 2 week supply at all times.
This is me. If I get down below about 5 rolls I start panicking. I've been poor and stolen TP from public restrooms. I have issues now.