
it's weird that we live in a time where people convert to Catholicism bc they think it is more repressive and conservative and racist than Protestantism and then when it isn't they get mad and start cooking up Protestantism 2
Catholics will lure you in with the smells and bells and then the pope will say some heretical shit like “I don’t think trans people are inherently evil” or “it would be nice if hell didn’t exist and I hope it doesn’t”
Ah, American Catholicism...they want to be Protestants so hard, but they don't have the balls to schism...
I grew up Catholic in a diocese that was *decidedly* left-leaning, with a heavy focus on ministry, compassion, and inclusiveness. Then I went to college, found the Catholics there to be all fire-and-brimstone, punishment-and-hate, and began a very quick trip through questioning and into agnosticism.
Which is to say that I think the nature of the Catholic church in American varies dramatically based on where you are.