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I have discovered that the Indian grocer sells idli batter and it takes like 12 minuets to make a batch of 24 idli now. This is way more idli than I need but about as many as I want at any given time.
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A reality show where there are ten dentists and they have to find the one who disagrees
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I know the replies are guessing different states but this is definitely about Texas (Fredericksburg)
there is something extraordinarily weird about how you'll be driving through a seemingly relatively normal US state and suddenly there's this patch where everyone apparently thinks theyre in Bavaria or something, even fuckin Frankfurt doesnt have this many German restaurants lined up side by side
My son (in his mid-20s) is heading out with one of his contemporaries to see Styx and Foreigner this weekend. Year-gap-wise, this would be like me going out to see Burl Ives back in my 20s (I did not). I think this reflects a lot on the late '70's and 1980's being a musical heyday of sorts.
French has two words for what we in English call "umbrellas": there are "parapluie" (literally "for rain") and "parasol" (literally "for sun"). Spanish does the same thing, with "paraguas" ("for water") and "parasol" ("for sun"). Our own word "umbrella" just means "thing that makes shade."
quote this post with a fun word you know that other people might not know. can be in any language
The Swedish word for "pomelo" is "pompelmus" (similar to the French word for "grapefruit"); and because both number and definite articles are formed by various word suffixes, the word for "the pomelos" is the extremely fun-to-say word "pompelmuserna".
quote this post with a fun word you know that other people might not know. can be in any language
"Obnubilate" is a verb that means "to make cloudy", and it can be used literally (e.g., to physically obscure something) or figuratively (e.g., to hide the meaning or intention of something). We don't have much else in English that uses this root (although "nuance" does, kind of, by way of French)…
quote this post with a fun word you know that other people might not know. can be in any language
Here's something that continues to baffle me. Modern health advice pushes whole grains over refined ones for their fiber content, and there's good clinical evidence that the increased fiber in whole grains is good for cardiovascular health. And so it's pretty easy to get, e.g., brown rice at...
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If we’re gonna dunk on someone we owe them some grace when they acknowledge the mistake publicly.
Our family has some ramen aficionados, and we've long known that Buldak doesn't fool around when it comes to heat levels -- but "too spicy for Denmark" was not on my 2024 bingo card. www.theguardian.com/world/articl...
Denmark recalls South Korean firm’s instant noodles for being too spicywww.theguardian.com Three products from Samyang Foods assessed to be so hot they pose risk of ‘acute poisoning’
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in retrospect it was warning us
Because it doesn't take much to provoke me into sharing what I know and someone expressed a little interest... So you know how when a video file goes wrong, you usually get that distinctive medium-dark green color as part of the glitching? There's a reason it's that specific color.
First tomato of the year! The good news is that the netting appears to be working to keep the vermin from taking them.
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You heard it from the experts, folks, use Firefox: www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/
This guy gets it. The question is whether you're willing to listen to experts when looking after your own digital hygiene. wapo.st/3Ku5lfz
Get Firefox browser — Mozilla (US)www.mozilla.org Choose from Desktop, iOS, Android, or let us email you a mobile download link.
This guy gets it. The question is whether you're willing to listen to experts when looking after your own digital hygiene. wapo.st/3Ku5lfz
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"I don't know any YouTube creator who's happy with the way Content ID works," EFF’s @ktrendacosta.bsky.social told @arstechnica.com — but she "can't think of a way to build the match technology" to improve it, because "machines cannot tell context."
Washing machine chime scandal shows how absurd YouTube copyright abuse can getarstechnica.com Samsung's catchy end-of-cycle jingle gets caught up in YouTube copyright drama.
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🤣🤣🤣 Can’t even use the Tobias Funke “dozens of us” meme bc they didn’t even clear the first dozen! 🤣🤣🤣
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Average American president has been convicted of .74 felonies
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Willie Nelson. A James Bond theme song is pretty much the only thing Willie's never done in his career.
What unlikely musical act would you like to see do a Bond theme next? I’m going with the Marias or They Might Be Giants.
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If you put needless mandatory text fields in forms, you’re wasting my time. I’ll waste yours right back with my usual placeholder text, “[ object Promise ]”.
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The fact that there are still ads for cryptocurrency exchanges on tv is one step removed from a guy coming on the screen like: “Hi! I’m Steve Ponzi, and I want you to invest in my scheme!”
Look, Rudy, if we could have stormed Normandy with two people, that would have saved a huge number of lives.
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There's been a pair of cardinals that's visited our feeder almost daily since it started warming up. The camera caught a video where the female was having breakfast, her mate lands next to her, and she greets him -- I *think* by giving him a seed. youtube.com/shorts/P3t9C...
Cardinalsyoutube.com There's been a pair of cardinals that's visited our feeder almost daily since it started warming up. The camera caught a video where the female was having br...
There's been a pair of cardinals that's visited our feeder almost daily since it started warming up. The camera caught a video where the female was having breakfast, her mate lands next to her, and she greets him -- I *think* by giving him a seed. youtube.com/shorts/P3t9C...
Cardinalsyoutube.com There's been a pair of cardinals that's visited our feeder almost daily since it started warming up. The camera caught a video where the female was having br...
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Grimly reminded of a guy in TX many years ago who was loudly and very pompously doing the usual bullshit of "abortions are evil, you liberals can't say at what age exactly the foetus should be treated as a person" and I told him "well ideally before she's old enough to get pregnant"