
i watched the debate. his mental decline is not a media psyop. biden has been a public figure my entire life he is no longer the biden he once was. nobody is going to buy your bullshit
my dude i do not think anyone who’d been saying this ahead of time (right wing doesn’t count) took any pleasure in being correct about what’s been said the past several months. he couldn’t even pull off a dark brandon moment. only BARELY saving grace was how unhinged trump sounded.
this is in response to a very large very loud liberal poster on here who is arguing this very point
if so i’m gonna need to start showing up to political things to bully him irl since he has me muted in here lol. if not then he’s just willfully avoiding when i (an actual constituent where he’s running lol) ask policy relevant shit even cordially, because i’m not a lowbie to dunk or whatever.
I was wrong. But who’s louder?
idk & likely because:
there’s a 70/30 chance they have me blocked, skáld.