
All right, I'm going to say this and be done with it. Biden is president now, so is clearly capable of being president. And if that changes, he has a capable vice president and a capable staff. No one else is guaranteed to beat Trump; we need to shut up and vote for the fucker what brought us.
Biden never should have agreed to a debate. He should have asserted Trump's record - both criminal and as president - and said the debate was not needed. But he didn't. Because he's Joe Biden. I'm really sorry we picked this guy but we did. Live with it.
Anyway, I hope voting or not voting is not all you're doing to try to make a better society. If it is, you're definitely doing it wrong.
Just listening to some UK based podcasts about this, and there's a strong theory forming that the reason the debate was so early in the election cycle was so that it could be a litmus test for Biden to see if he's up to a second term, and if he failed then the Dems may ask him to retire.
the timing makes sense so that people will forget it long before november, but I think the litmus test thing is a stretch