
Exactly this. It's another Business Plot seeking to take out the opposition to oncoming fascism.
It really is amazing how much visibly this is an elite revolt against Biden. Major donors! East coast pundits! The Disney heiress! The only protestors we can find are in the Hamptons!
I told y'all so, and I'll keep saying it, this is a ratfucking op led by people angry that the Biden administration is competently governing rather than pandering to beltway media outlets desperate for clicks and views.
Step down for the birthday boys
Remember, folks, the desired outcome here is to remove democracy and voting from the equation, and let literal high-level, unelected party officials pick the next presidential candidate. They don't want our voices heard, they want to pick their person, that's it.
Yeah, they’re basically all but screaming it with this, that a process that doesn’t make Harris compete against a whole slate of other candidates would be considered presumptively anti-democratic.
I’ve never been so glad I canceled my WAPO subscription last year! The oligarchy has destroyed our media.