
Yeah, they’re basically all but screaming it with this, that a process that doesn’t make Harris compete against a whole slate of other candidates would be considered presumptively anti-democratic.
They wouldn't, though, because once Biden drops out they decide Harris is bad too, this is the fucking Everything You Do Is Wrong game.
Also - she's "the" Vice President, not "my" Vice President. She holds a constitutional office, she's not part of the president's staff
*a whole slate of other candidates who they have no reason to believe actually want to run
I'm not sure I'd want anyone who would run to be president, honestly. Like the ideal candidate for this is someone willing to spend millions of dollars to fracture the democratic coalition and destroy their own reputation for the honor of personally losing to Trump.
It's Ralph Nader's year, is what I'm saying.
Nice of them to make the racist component as explicit as possible in case anyone missed it. Of course we can't have the black woman, that would be silly.
Oh thank god, my primary delegates would be representing me Who the fuck are they again? I just picked a half dozen or so people that had "I'm committed to Biden" next to their names.
Anyone calling for an open convention does not have a problem with Trump.
Level of anti-democracy reaction among media elites a little larger than I had thought previous to this most recent episode, partly in terms of intensity but also just how widespread. Feel like they're getting more and more isolated from the world and (slowly) losing their noble privileges
Guess that's the final nail in the coffin, 9 months into my 11 month cancellation countdown. (it had just autorenewed for another year)