
As a social media skeptic, I enjoy these articles about people giving up dating apps and touching grass. But I really think they downplay the enshittification process. I don't care what the executives say. Of course the algorithm refuses to match compatible people.
Delete your dating apps and find romance It's not as scary as you might think.
If you meet someone and fall in love, you will delete the app! Their entire business model is keeping engagement up. So of course all they will serve up to female users is a non-stop stream of fuckboys. I bet having a good job and interesting hobbies kills you on the algorithm, if you're a man.
Repeated pulling of the fruit machine handle of Bumble or Hinge (with growing frustration) doesn't lead to any matches, so it's what is going wrong or what am I doing wrong. For someone (non-youth + shared cust) with limited social network and constrained time, how else is one to meet people?
I feel you. Though since I deleted the two apps I used I certainly felt a relief and it was good for my mental health. My last match on one of those places really made me feel like shit and was quite pretentious about who she was. I‘m glad this crap is no longer in my life.