
Biden steps down and we get Trump. Simple as that. Bedwetting will only lead there.
There's a logical fallacy called the False Dichotomy that causes people to argue that Biden on his worst day is better than Trump at his best—or that Biden must be the candidate or Trump wins. These are false choices. Don't fall for it. Think logically and accept that other options can be valid.
Ok. Logically lay out how another candidate comes in and heads the ticket, gets on the ballot everywhere and wins over support of the fickle dem base without facing any voters in 4 months before the election. Oh yeah with no cash on hand. I’m listening.
Yeah this wouldn't be a problem if BIDEN HADN'T CHANGED THE PRIMARY TO PROTECT HIS OWN INTERESTS. Fucked up Democratic leadership led us to this moment.
I don’t disagree. But we are here.
Read up on the 1924 Dem convention.
DNC rules are written for these circumstances. Congressional leaders, party operatives and governors are consulted for a recommendation. These discussions should include the donor class with the recommendation nominated to the convention. If Biden gives his blessing, pushback should be minimal…
…This might not seem Democratic, but the considered alternatives will all be popular politicians with a track record of winning elections—voters have voted for them. This may be unprecedented, but so are the circumstances…
…Biden had a 33% chance of winning BEFORE the debate, and those chances have fallen precipitously. Keeping Biden changes no one's mind, but a new ticket could. Faithful Dems will vote for a donkey if they need to, but it's the fence-sitters who will make the difference in battleground states.
33%? Where did you pull that number out of? Are you Nate silver in disguise? Your logical explanation is lacking.
Big assumption. Now do the ballot challenges with the maga judges in place and the lack of any campaign funds to execute a win.
Conventions have not occurred yet, so nominations are not yet official. Again, there are contingencies considered. People can die. Shit happens.
You know that party nominations and appearing on a state ballot is two separate things right? You logically understand the difference right?
Hang this one in the Halls of failure as the dumbocrat party doggedly sticks to the senile genocider, and they lose to Trump (again)
There’s only one man who can defeat Trump and he can’t remember his name, and he would die if a leaf fell on him
Biden isn't fit to be President. Pretending he is gifts the election to Trump. Are you happy to have that on your conscience?