
One month till I'm Scotland bound. Still looking for recommendations for things to check out, especially museums, nerdy spots and family friendly activities for my 5yo.
Heading to Scotland in a couple months, my first time ever in Europe no less. Who do I know in the area? What should I check out? (Would love to get down to England but don't know that it's on the cards)
Oh my word I loooooove Scotland. City-wise I prefer Glasgow to Edinburgh, but Edinburgh's got the good (well, better.) museums lol (National Museum and the Royal College of Surgeons are faves). The highlands are GORGEOUS but I understand that might not be so exciting for a 5yo lol.
Try Irn Bru, also :D Hahahaha.
We're hoping to get to both cities. I have a bunch of things lined up for Edinburgh, but not so much Glasgow yet.
I'll think on this some more. Dynamic Earth is good for kiddos, if that is still there (Edinburgh).
This seems like it'd be fun? the largest interactive exhibition of the history and the culture of video games. Explore gaming's rich history by playing many of the key games produced over the last 50 years
Game On | National Museum of Explore the largest interactive exhibition of the history and the culture of video games. Tickets on sale Spring 2024. National Museums Scotland Members go free.
Neat, thanks, should be plenty else to see at the museum too!
😀😀😀 Let us know how the exhibit is!
If you are in Edinburgh, the game café Ancient Robot on Leith Walk is just over one year old and is terrific! It's also next to a great bookshop, card store, and bakery.
Ancient Robot
Yeah I've had several recommendations for it, and the whole Leith Walk sounds lovely, though I'm going to have to resist the urge to sing the Proclaimers the whole way.
If you can get over to Skye, do it. It's a trek for sure, but so totally worth it. I've cried at how beautiful it is there and miss it every day. (drone footage I shot back in 2021)
2021 Scotland Drone A montage of the drone footage I captured in Scotland in 2021.
Beautiful! I'd love to get up there but I think we'll be limited to shorter day trips, especially with an impatient 5yo.
In 2022 spent 10d across Glasgow (museum: Kellingrove), Fort William, the Isle of Skye, and Edinburgh. No kids though. Did a fair amount of hiking, which should be achievable as long as interest holds. Watching the "Harry Potter" train in Ft. William was fun - esp seeing all the book love.