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nicole (she/her). 🇦🇺/🇨🇦 in Treaty 13 territory Tkaronto/Toronto. ACAB. Trans rights. Anti-racism. Always learning.

Loves dogs, museums, coffee and board games. Subsists primarily on peanut butter pretzel nugs.
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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I was in Detroit on the weekend and finally found a Mold-a-rama I wanted LOL. God this thing is ridiculous.
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Are you someone who likes news and trans people and trans news? Well my goodness, do I have a free newsletter for you. Assigned Media's FREE digest keeps you up to date on coverage on our site and shares the best of trans news writing from the web. Sign up at the bottom of any page on our site.
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*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
Reposted byAvatar Nicole
Media are u ok maybe take a hot bath and decompress
Reposted byAvatar Nicole
Canada's Indigenous communities have long memories. And so they should. #cdnpoli #Poilievre #NeverVoteConservative
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Reposted byAvatar Nicole
Reposted byAvatar Nicole
I really miss the days when I could just look at cool art and go "wow, cool" and share it instead of having to be an investigative detective every day.
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“Our voices weren’t heard for over 150 years, so we’re injecting ourselves in stories now.” | Tanya Talaga is rewriting Canadian history her way - Maclean’s
Tanya Talaga is rewriting Canadian history her The author of The Knowing uncovers her family’s secret past
Into the landfill with him.
Applause and cheers break out as the judge convicts Skibicki of four counts of first-degree murder.
Y'all out there I am so bad at notifications. I miss 'em a ton. Here, Insta, FB, just everywhere. I'm only human lol. And unless you have an actual profile set up on these places I'm really gonna not notice notifications lol.
it's almost like you can choose to not be a murdering racist
The judge has concluded Jeremy Skibicki's legal team did not prove the accused was suffering from a mental disorder at the time of the killings.
Perfect vibes.
Guy in Scotland continuously flying the flag of whoever's playing against England in the Euros
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
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Feels like if you're repeatedly firing any number of mass casualty weapons into areas packed with civilians you've tidily answered any questions about what your intentions were.
“Weapons experts said the shrapnel and wounds are consistent with Israeli-made weapons designed to create large numbers of casualties unlike more conventional weapons used to destroy buildings. The experts question why they are being fired into areas packed with civilians.”
Israeli weapons packed with shrapnel causing devastating injuries to children in Gaza, doctors Surgeons who worked in European and al-Aqsa hospitals describe extensive wounds caused by ‘fragmentation’ shrapnel experts say are designed to maximize casualties
Reposted byAvatar Nicole
Your regular reminder that if a public figure has acted up/done a bad thing/is just awful generally you can definitely criticize them. For those things! NOT HOW THEY LOOK *OR* WHO THEY ARE. Not their size, not the colour of their skin, their religion. It's the bad behaviour we need to focus on!
Hi there it's a fucking swamp outside but cold enough in the office I need my giant blanket scarf.
It's so hard watching the struggle of cultural/scientific institutions right now. Fundraising is harder than ever, funding from govt is unreliable.. and quite frankly a lot of institutions like Universities throw away natural history/cultural studies before anything else.
Feeling the cognitive dissonance hard this morning. World is fucking awful, but I get to see my sweet man tonight.
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Reposted byAvatar Nicole
Coooool cool cool. Shopify gonna can that asshole, or...?
NEW: Top Shopify executive’s right-wing media website rails against immigrants while defending a legally designated terrorist group. ‘True North’ quietly deleted its interview with the founder of the Proud Boys after it was contacted by #cdnnews
Shopify Executive’s Right-Wing Media Website Rails Against Immigrants While Defending a Legally Designated Terrorist Right-wing Canadian media website ‘True North’ deletes interview with the founder of the Proud Boys after being contacted by PressProgress
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With great tits, comes great back pain.
Reposted byAvatar Nicole
The diagnostic models for neurodivergent presentations are LITERALLY deficit models on how much you fail at being a dutiful citizen of capitalism
people always attribute the spike in autism/adhd diagnoses to more people learning about it But maybe the demands of capitalism skyrocketing over the last century made it harder for ND people to meet the definition of "functioning" & when your functioning is impaired, you get evaluated for shit