Mx. Tiffany Leigh

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Mx. Tiffany Leigh

Pop™. Genderqueer game show host, board game memoirist, & secret third thing. She/They. NYC. 🏳️‍⚧️
In 2024 on social media, self-identifying this way is a yellow-turning-red flag.
Northern attitudes toward the South are too often dismissive, reductive, and arrogant. Those are our people down there fighting to be free from gerrymandered political domination and exploitation. We should be arm in arm with them, not sneering that they get what they deserve for living there.
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
Make a band more vegetable The English Beet
The Backstreet Bok Choys
My #LastFourFriday films. Two new ones + two rewatches. JAWS (1975) Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (2024) Kinds of Kindness (2024) The Paper (1994) #filmsky #letterboxd
exactly this. "posting accomplishes nothing" is such a bad take. like saying people you met online aren't "real" friends. social media is a communication tool, through which you can educate, agitate, organise, fundraise, etc. if you're not seeing this you need to follow more and/or different people
Posting has kept me alive, fed, and reasonably sane. Speak for yourself.
Social media helped me build a career but ok
The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.
We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this.
Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
It's important to note that this single-post analysis above is entirely consistent with a much more comprehensive analysis by showing that changes in the X algorithm and moderation policies that began in Oct 2022 have massively favoured trolls and penalized climate scientists. See:
Musk is remaking Twitter into a climate denier I got some data that analyses how climate deniers have changed their audience size, relative to pro-climate accounts, on Musk's Twitter. It's....not good.
I had a blast w/Shoe + Christina on Going Analog! We dive deep into board games for movie lovers - a summer blockbuster of a convo! 🎥🎬🍿 I learned that I may be well away from my video store clerking days, but you can never truly take the video store clerk out of me! 😊
Like movies AND board games? Then check out our latest podcast w/ guest! What non-licensed games would you recommend to movie lovers? 🎬🎲
Like movies AND board games? Then check out our latest podcast w/ guest! What non-licensed games would you recommend to movie lovers? 🎬🎲
There’s a small problem with the AI industry: It’s making absolutely no money In addition to myriad ethical and environmental concerns, it’s not even financially advantageous … so why are we being forcibly marched into this? Via Futurism
There's a Small Problem With the AI Industry: It's Making Absolutely No AI is not making money for investors which may be connected to businesses having trouble adopting the technology.
Poem: "No Explosions" by Naomi Shihab Nye To enjoy fireworks you would have to have lived a different kind of life.
Judging folks for not knowing the thing "everyone knew" in your whisper network is a great way to tell the people whose safety you don't care about that you also feel morally superior to them.
Most progressive people may not yet agree that NYT is more harm than good for democracy, and that we’d be better off with it going out of business. But I’m confident they will in the next five years.
this is the NYT laundering documents provided by a professional bigot to scandalize a completely non-scandalous thing bc the times has decided that the organization founded to stop gay parents from adopting kids is actually right in their bigotry and every major medical association is wrong
This takes the sting out of canceling your NYT subscription: free 72-hour digital access with no limit and no strings attached 😎
PSA: free (and perpetually renewable) 72-hour digital access to the NYTimes, courtesy of the Berkeley Public Library. You don't need to be a California resident & you don't need a library card. Just a valid email address for the NYT site login.
New York Times Digital Edition | Berkeley Public
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
The stone cold move is to kill your subscription (addiction) to the NYT Crossword *and* dial back/fade out your Wordle, Connections, & Spelling Bee intake that helps fund the trash they print as iffy headlines and Op-Eds
Don’t link to The NY Times attempt to ratfuck the election. DO unsubscribe to it. On top of it, the author concealed his extremist Theocratic politics. From transphobia to the Iraq war to the NYT should not get your money & avoid giving it traffic
Your honor, with all due respect, I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here. I don't belong here.
Your honor, with all due respect, the man in the back said "everyone attack!" and it turned into a ballroom blitz
regardless of whether you feel Biden should step down you may want to ask whether his debate performance is worthy of being treated as the most important thing happening in the world for a solid week or whether you are witnessing some grade-a consent manufacturing
The New York Times has treated “Biden is old” as the most important story in the world for five consecutive days now
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
are tribbles afraid of fireworks
I have a one strike block policy for users in other bigger Bsky acct threads where there's immediate context collapse, duplicate posts fr people not reading the threads they post in, and mucho aggro-Twitter energy. They're randos + not *my* teeming parasocialized fanbase, so what do I care
like what's going to happen with the libs getting radicalized again this time? because this is like the 10th time this has happened in my lifetime and every single time they get bored and go back to punching left since it's easy
Hey, if it’s alienating to hear “I told you so,” that’s probably because you didn’t listen, and you know it, and you feel bad — because you should feel bad. Making the other person feel bad for being right and saying so is a great way to deflect attention from your own unwillingness to listen.
i don't want to alienate anyone with i told you so shit but like if you are just joining us with "things in america look very bad" you might consider listening to people who have been saying that who you have been pointedly ignoring
ACAB includes all hate followers. I said what I said.
ACAB includes anyone who hate-follows and reply-argues with fascists on algorithm driven social media sites
it tells you something about the state of arts criticism that you can readily get anthologies of the year's best science writing, sports writing, or even food writing, but not arts writing
Was at the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Brooklyn tonight