
nobody told me about the sun in seattle. there’s only like seven hours of nighttime. latitude is a real bitch
if you saw the original skeet know that counting, like recalling basic information about daylight hours in northern altitudes before being confronted with it, is not a strong suit of mine
I said the same thing when I moved from Louisiana to the north east. People acted like “how could you not know?” I know how latitudes work, but people rarely talk about the noticeable difference in daylight hours in the contiguous US. We only hear about Alaska. Lol
yeah when people say "it's always grey" they mean no true light and an no true darkness it's fucked up
when i worked in alaska for a summer i didnt realize until i got there that i was above the arctic circle and wouldnt see night time again for 3mos
I went there for a job interview in probably November and I didn't see the sun all day. Dark when I went in, dark when I came out.
I dunno I love it being light until 9:30 in the summer, it just feels like my portion of the day is longer. Work usually gets the best light.