
Students, and parents, employers and professors: take note. “The better writer you are, the greater your chance of getting rejected, because you won't use keywords."
I put my key words in bullet points at the top of my resume.
Honest question: does that seem to be successful? I teach business writing courses and this is something I am sincerely grappling with right now when I teach resume design.
Every bit of advice I got on this was to write a 1-2 sentence abstract of you as a candidate (not the “objective” section that comes up in old advice), with an *extremely* clear mapping to the posted role. Underneath, have 4-6 bullets, 2 col, with key skills also from the req. The rest as normal.
Yeah, I try to teach them to tailor to a specific job, but that’s not always successful (often due to the sheer number of students I’m teaching).
Yeah, I think the main point to impress is that keywords matter more than ever and cold internal recs are the new table stakes (active advocacy from your internal contact needed to stand out, at least in tech).
In anything. I managed editorial in Avery large company. Algorithm sent me people who would be right for my managing editor role. We were required to interview referrals from employees. They sent me the people I hired.
I hate autocorrect.