
JK Rowling
JK Rowling
"If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth.”
Future Adam
Future Adam
🔒Just a guy doing security things.
🎓 Works in academia.
💩 All shit posts are my own.
Moody Beth
Moody Beth
Dv survivor mom artist
Disabled parent also battling long covid
I love to read write and paint
Libby Milliken
Libby Milliken
Indefatigable defender of democracy. Gaelic-stubborn: they’ll give up before I do. Lawyer & Mom. ND ADHD. Disagreement won’t offend me. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️.💙🌊
Mark (Andrew) Witham ↗️
Mark (Andrew) Witham ↗️
A loving father who is passionate about mental health, science, reasoning, secular humanism, macro-economics, and universal basic income.

Founder ↗️
Liberty Pocket ~ Cash app with a conscience(UBI) 💸
DMs Open ♥️ #UBI memes
Just some guy trying to make sense of things.

Stopped skating thirty years ago and I don't feel one bit weird about picking it up again. Gonna skip the giant pants this time though...
j mills
j mills
Itinerant humanitarian, recovering or relapsing news-junky, lover of history, hiking, biking, travel, sci-fi, fixing up houses, and a good debate. All comments either with morning coffee or during happy hour. Consider snark accordingly.
Rufus T. Firefly
Rufus T. Firefly
Hail Freedonia!
"Come up here. I wanna scare the cabinet."
AF the Virologist
AF the Virologist
Virologist, PhD, collector of hobbies & plants, 🏳️‍🌈, 🐈‍⬛, currently in career & prof dev for scientists, AuDHD & hypermobile, she/her

Pfp: sassy sketch of me - white woman with a shaved head wearing pearls & cateye glasses by
Deeply Blue skeptical genX eyeroller. Typos! Patriarchy smashing w/extra anchovies. Dad was D-Day Antifa. Big fan of Earth, trees, oceans, flora and fauna. When in doubt, yes, I'm being sarcastic.
Went from reds to pinks to whites…but still on that charred meat kick. No smut on my rep
Twitter refugee. Fuck you, Elon.
Comic books, sci-fi, giant robots, kaiju, chickens.
Cancer survivor, Aerosmith enthusiast.
Cease Fire 🇵🇸
Finally on the new shitapp, let's see your shit!
(Trans Woman, Maker of Beep-Boops/Songs I'll Never Finish™, Wonk of Policy)
Lgbtcommunityblock6 organization 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Lgbtcommunityblock6 organization 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
We are a coalition of LGBT refugees and asylum seekers in Kakuma Refugee Camp, we call for advocacy of our rights and also donations for our survival 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Nop (he/him) 🍉 PUSSY IN BIO
Nop (he/him) 🍉 PUSSY IN BIO
I try to be kind to people; sometimes I run into people who don't seem to deserve it. Strayan Gen X Goth, Leftist & Socialist, disabled povvo. Supporter of fellow marginalised people. Trans rights are human rights.

Email: [email protected]
Jane Dunlop
Jane Dunlop
Coffee, climate emergency, social justice, science, Antifa North, 2SLGBTQIA+ ally, peace, love, atheist, 🇨🇦, tech manager, ND, extrovert, mom, comics, SF, Whovian, woke, ventilate, N95 #covidisairborne, 319ppm, may lack diplomacy, will interrupt
J. Stryker | Memento Vivere 🌿🌲🇨🇦
J. Stryker | Memento Vivere 🌿🌲🇨🇦
I'm creating lists, hence my massive Following number. I'm not a spammer. Are we good?

Wildlife, ecology/conservation/biodiversity, fungi, plants, trees, corvids, coffee, cats. Alter-ego:

Trains are cool.
Horrorculturist 🦇🥀🕸
Horrorculturist 🦇🥀🕸
Goblincore. Gothic gardener. 🇨🇦. Zone 6. Goth, horror, Halloween, poisonous plants. Nyctophile. Autistic murder hornet. Genderqueer. They/them. 🌿🍁🍂🎃

Existence is not an endorsement of reality.
Jimmy  (Ø)  Jim  (Ø) James
Jimmy (Ø) Jim (Ø) James
Social Artist
Lawyer, reader of too few books, enjoyer of too many jokes