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Went from reds to pinks to whites…but still on that charred meat kick. No smut on my rep
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Guy in Scotland continuously flying the flag of whoever's playing against England in the Euros
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Rob rules!! Thank you 🤗🤗
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Another all-time high in the books.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
When you are so afraid of a black woman being president you pretend not to vote for trump but you do
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Motives matter a lot. I work with philanthocapitalism professionally grant writing to support formerly unhoused women. Its motives are profit driven, not actually altruistic. It’s essentially about megawealthy people getting tax write offs.
honestly I think motives matter MORE when doing charity. philanthrocapitalism only reinforces inequality.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Right. Ignoring the way social capital also feeds into this is how folks get entrenched and made "irreplaceable"
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
you really don't have to defend white people using algorithm-friendly philanthropy to build wealth. it's a shitty model designed to sustain the status quo!
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
bill gates is one of my favorite examples. white billionaire uses the continent as a testing ground, creating charity projects to "help" Africans. then he sells what he learns and then uses that money to undermine policy that'd help native Africans long term
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
honestly I think motives matter MORE when doing charity. philanthrocapitalism only reinforces inequality.
if the "charity" is only done to amass more wealth and power, then we absolutely should care about that.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
And remember, the Christian Right only took up abortion as a topic after they lost school segregation for good when the IRS went after Bob Jones’ U status, & needed a new issue to rally the troops. 1/x all our issues are intertwined. 🧵
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
One of the very disorienting aspects of our current moment is that a very smart man like can sound like a fire-breathing radical as he simply tells the truth.
The Supreme Court Puts Trump Above the And gives him permission for a despotic second term.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Not going to lie, at this point I am just praying Biden has his Jack Layton moment Where he stares death right in the face and realizes he has to stop being such a neoliberal cunt
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
SCOTUS grants Donald Trump the immunity he asked for. American democracy is on the brink. Don’t overthink it. Gloves off at this point! Subpoena Roberts, Alito & Thomas immediately, and make them testify under oath on live TV about their blatant treason.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
BUT... they didn't define "official act" with real specificity, so a host of things which are official could leave the "core responsibilities" and thus expose someone to subsequent prosecution (say, a Democratic President). And the flim-flam about impeachment... rubbish.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
The Barrett Footnote tries to cover that, but since it determines motives can't be investigated (lest the President be attacked with allegations of improper motive, and so be hamstrung on every issue), I don't see how a prosecution could, rationally be brought.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
the Supreme Court, not content to immunize only Donald Trump from prosecution, retroactively exonerates Richard Nixon for Watergate
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
In a lot of ways the entire Republican establishment since the 70s has been dedicated to making sure that what happened to Nixon would never be allowed to happen to one of theirs again
the Supreme Court, not content to immunize only Donald Trump from prosecution, retroactively exonerates Richard Nixon for Watergate
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
The Supreme Court has a big wheel like on The Price is Right, & they have every single fundamental right Americans have on it in a square, & every day they spin the wheel & pick a fundamental right to rob from Americans. Because the billionaires who pay them said so.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Good news everyone, John Roberts who called the science behind determining gerrymanders "sociological gobbledygook" just gave himself the power to rule on extremely technical matters over the expertise of people who have dedicated their lives to mastering administrative tasks.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Long after the debate is forgotten, the 6-3 decisions overruling Chevron via Loper Bright and Jarksey will have fundamentally weakened the ability of the American government to function against the most powerful interests in society.
Reposted byAvatar Bruno
Me at the Canadian border in November: "Yep, just heading to Toronto for the Eras Tour! Stay? *glances nervously back at U Haul truck* Haha, what are you talking about?"
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Reposted byAvatar Bruno