
So Fogo de Chao has low key made it clear that 2 hours of the Churrasco Experience is all they are willing to provide me with, demanding I turn the little green card over to red.
I always forget Fogo de Chão has restaurants abroad and feel surprised when see gringos talking about eating there. I was about to ask you if you're in Brazil
I wish I could be a snob and say "Fogo de Chão is not even a good churrascaria, we have several better places in Brazil" but as a matter of fact it is one of the most amazing churrascarias here. (though I don't know if the international ones are as good)
I can tell you it’s very good in Mexico, but I haven’t been to Brazil to compare.
I had a wee slice of beef last week that made me cry a little. This is not hyperbole. All the meats were good, but whatever that was did honor to a cow. They have GOT to do something about their beer situation though.