
You should not package the elections of other countries as "lessons" for US voters. Shut the fuck up.
"How the US first-past-the-post two-party system with an electoral college is exactly like this multi-party parliamentary democracy with multiple runoff elections" and other things the brainworms whispered in my ear.
All the US needs to do is bring together a broad coalition of the Left from Communists to Social Democrats and everything will be fine. Does anyone have any polling data on Communists in the USA? Asking for a friend.
Semi-parliamentary, but aye.
France is a special little angel all in itself. The country closest to its particular constitutional order anywhere in the world is Ukraine, amusingly.
It's a very weird mode of governance that I don't entirely get and you need to go full Pepe Silvia on to truly understand because basically nobody besides those two does it.
Italy is moving in that direction too 🙃
There is never any need to imitate such a ridiculous system of government.
It’s part of the movement to get a direct mandate from the electorate for an individual to act as president and prime minister, rather than leaving the election of both to parliament Everyone on the left disagrees, but fash-ionistas Meloni and Salvini love the idea
Oooh interesting. Hopefully the left-leaning coalition will increase support for Ukraine too
Mélenchon strongly supports Ukraine, as a Russian province. The rest of NFP are better, but right now each leader is making different maximalist demands without the parliamentary majority to back them.