Kristian van der Vliet

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Kristian van der Vliet

Join me as I continue my Social Media addiction.
I hope Jordan Bardella specifically has an awful nights sleep and then develops a stomach ulcer. Fuck you.
Hahahahahahaha eat shit and piss Rosa
Can you all fuck off watching sportsball so I can watch something actually interesting over the VPN? Ta.
The BBC are currently pissing & shitting themselves over the fact that the RN probably do not have a majority, or anything like it.
Great thread on crime & punishment:
Listening to James Timpson's interview, it is clear that he would like to see a sea-change in sentencing policy. That will not be his remit, but if the new PM supports such a change, I think it would have very significant ramifications for our political culture. Let me explain. /1
I can hear his voice, even. *shiver*
"Look, Kier, how about a few war crimes?"
Apparently Rice Krispies have entirely disappeared from the Netherlands to be replaced by American crap including Oreo O's (apparently an actual real thing), Froot Loops (no "froot" anywhere near them, or possibly "thru" them) and Nothing But Sugar O's (possibly I made this up but not far off).
Although of course this is a hugely western-European view of the world.
For about 6 months in 1993 things were looking pretty positive.
"We need to make sure we can beat Germany when we have to go against them in penalties shit fuck damnit oh wait never mind."
Okay but penalties? England always kick themselves in the dick in penalties. Is this where Southgate's effort has all gone?
I'm sorry England *won* in penalties? Get the fuck out of here.
The Lib Dems finishing on 72 seats. Not bad lads. Not bad.
I hear you're all watching another boring arse game of football, Father?
Ah yes, far from the control of that foreign power, Russia.
It says everything you need to know about the British media that the Greens winning 4 seats is a curiosity and their interview questions have been about their message not getting through but according to them Reform winning an identical number of seats is a stunning underdog achievement.
I hear you're all watching another boring arse game of football, Father?
Shout out to UKIP for getting slightly less than 1000 more votes than the Monster Raving Loony Party. Bless.
What *is* the traditional unionist voice anyway? I imagine it as some sort of nasal-y, whiny voice attached to a ham-faced 5ft nothing guy in a grey suit who inexplicably thinks he's British?
Does the House of Commons bar serve milkshakes, does anyone know?
Farage being heckled, even 7 times, is NOT ENOUGH
If you're wondering, "OTH" here is the entire Green Party. Both GPEW & Reform have 4 seats yet they choose to to highlight Reform and relegate Greens to "other". Curious etc.
So far it looks like the MRPs were closer to reality and the exit polls were lolwut?
"We can now hear from Angela Rayner" Can we not?
Love it for the people who have it shit the past 14 years, voted for Brexit to make it less shit, and have had it worse shit they've thought voting for even more Brexit cunts will somehow help.
My bus arrives at 22:55 and it's a 10 minute walk to my house, so I've set an alarm for 23:00 so I can check the exit polls.
I always enjoy reading the little "We're not talking about politics today" filler stories on the news websites that you get on election days.
Today's the day to GTTO! (and replace them with some slightly different, redder ones)
So if the sitting President *officially* declares martial law and sends out the Marines to *officially* execute his rivals gang-warfare style, that's now legals? Neat, someone should do that.
One things that's become clear is that the more the Conservatives & Labour talk, the less people are likely to vote for them.