
Went to a clinic today for a routine medical thing and was once again amazed by the number of people who are happy to hang out and just freely breathe in all the air juice inside the germ emporium
I think it’s called “free will”. Some people find that scary, I know.
Free will doesn’t entitle you to put others at risk. Am I allowed to spit in your food? Same thing. Go to therapy and talk about your relationship with your father, people around you are sick of having to deal with your shit.
(and if you find not wearing a mask to be a meaningful expression of freedom, you both are not free and have failed to imagine what true freedom is)
「 my freedom to swing my fist stops at your face 」 not a hard concept
Watch him never respond to this ever
Well, some people really lost all sense of perspective and ability to make analogies during the pandemic. That of course assumes they had any such prior …
For the record this is where you are at, rhetorically. I can't say where you are at morally without risking a ban