
a funny thing Biden could do, unitary-executive-authority-wise is just order GSA to stop cutting paychecks to a bunch of Republican judges and law clerks for a while.
Just quietly do it and make it seem like its a big mixup or something that somehow is only affecting Federalist Society members. If Congress complains just claim executive privilege and then pardon the GSA administrator as many times as you need to.
Tie it into the senile Biden storyline by having Biden claim "whoops I guess i just forgot to send the paychecks out. Senior moment!"
I know he’s joking but actually, thinking about, in this current media environment the best tactic to summon media, political, and public will to oppose this court is probably for BIDEN to start abusing power.
I mean if you're gonna get covered like that anyway what's the point in trying to play by the rules? "Rules" that don't apply to both sides aren't rules, they're abuse. So at least have some fun.
Yeah that only works if you're a Republican. This is the fastest way to full scandal treatment by the press. The rules of the media are different for Dems and GOP. Don't believe me? How many front page stories for Trump using unsecured phones vs "her emails?"
also, if he *did* plan to step down, this would be sort of ideal. Do a bunch of scandals, claim that he's senile and needs to let Harris takeover, &c. Harris promises to fix the glitch, just have to figure out where it is and all that, but of course by then it's election time.