
a funny thing Biden could do, unitary-executive-authority-wise is just order GSA to stop cutting paychecks to a bunch of Republican judges and law clerks for a while.
Just quietly do it and make it seem like its a big mixup or something that somehow is only affecting Federalist Society members. If Congress complains just claim executive privilege and then pardon the GSA administrator as many times as you need to.
Tie it into the senile Biden storyline by having Biden claim "whoops I guess i just forgot to send the paychecks out. Senior moment!"
I know he’s joking but actually, thinking about, in this current media environment the best tactic to summon media, political, and public will to oppose this court is probably for BIDEN to start abusing power.
I mean if you're gonna get covered like that anyway what's the point in trying to play by the rules? "Rules" that don't apply to both sides aren't rules, they're abuse. So at least have some fun.
Yeah that only works if you're a Republican. This is the fastest way to full scandal treatment by the press. The rules of the media are different for Dems and GOP. Don't believe me? How many front page stories for Trump using unsecured phones vs "her emails?"
also, if he *did* plan to step down, this would be sort of ideal. Do a bunch of scandals, claim that he's senile and needs to let Harris takeover, &c. Harris promises to fix the glitch, just have to figure out where it is and all that, but of course by then it's election time.
The problem for Democrats is that playing by the rules is core to their brand, unlike the GOP. I think Dems need to break out of that, but do it openly (a crime in the open is a legal battle, not a scandal) and explicitly for preserving democracy. So take actions that directly improve democracy.
They are playing by the rules. The new rule is "it's not against the law if the President does it." Abusing power to destroy the republican party is legal, the supreme court ruled that way. If you have a problem with that take it up with the Federalist society.
"no, we fixed the glitch."
Came to see this. Leaving satisfied.
not a lot of people are talking about this but it seems pretty fucking hard to hold the POTUS in contempt for a whole lot of things all of the sudden (and it was already hard in the first place)
Yeah that only works if you're a Republican. This is the fastest way to full scandal treatment by the press. The rules of the media are different for Dems and GOP. Don't believe me? How many front page stories for Trump using unsecured phones vs "her emails?"
You’re still playing by the old world’s rules. Update your priors, the ballgames changed
See my response in the thread.
Alas, I agree. If Biden does any of this, Republicans won’t conclude, “I guess we need different neutrally applied rules.” They will conclude, “See? This is why Democrats can never hold power.”
Sneaky and underhanded just like the repubs do. I like it!
just put everybody on the Federalist Society on the No-Fly List and keep explaining that the list is secret, actually
Change the locks on their offices.
also shut off the A/C in a few courthouses
Sadly, that's not where they get most of their money from anyway.
abruptly change to a quarterly pay schedule
Exactly one paycheck after the quarter starts, natch.
it might even be funnier if instead of forgetting to pay them entirely he just moved the decimal place over several digits. "mr. roberts, sir, we know you were expecting your monthly paycheck of $22,000 but it seems there has been an irrecoverable error and your paycheck has been made out for 22¢"
Even better write NYT Op/Ed announcing it, and make it exclusively for the SCOTUS-six. Remove all humor and have it be blunt.
To keep it fun, the SCOTUS-six could have $1/day withheld from their pay by official execution action. It makes the same point.
They clearly don't need their paychecks, so there's not much leverage there. Furlough their security teams.
See how they like sleeping in their motorcoaches for a while!
it would be better if he ordered the IRS to give all taxpayors a cashola from Grandpa Joe. Make the fuckers try to claw it back from us.
It seems like effectively ending the Impoundment Control Act is probably something the Court actually intended; it caused problems for Nixon and Trump, so away it goes. Seems like the War Powers Act is probably dead too.
Oh no, you see, that's a "separation of powers" issue. Those override the actual text of the Constitution.
this power is truly wasted on him
Another funny thing he could do, and it would be entirely legal according to the SCOTUS, is have every member of the Federalist Society assassinated. Of course that wouldn't really be "funny" so much as "hysterical".
There's gotta be a whole bunch of really damaging 2 GOP confidential shit on fed servers... just leak it all
If centrists were content to usher us into a fascist dictatorship, fine, they have their goals, it's what they do. But to do so while SCOLDING us and BLAMING us—that's what's especially infuriating at this precipice, and it's unforgivable.