Brad Deltan

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Brad Deltan

Rhode Islander by birth but also by mild coercion. Lived in Boston, too. Anonymous by career preservation. Self-appointed media watchdog, esp public radio. Mostly here to hedge my bets against Twitter's death.
Avatar is that Lt Potter? Did she get transferred from Hannelore's dad's space station?
I see the pornbots are coming out of the woodwork here on bsky. Is there a way to require giving permission to someone to follow me?
Reposted byAvatar Brad Deltan
Avatar what the hell?
I have to stan that 35 mins after an attempted shutdown by campus cops in the midst of a national news protest flashpoint, WKCR is currently playing dense experimental jazz
I have come to the conclusion that if you live in Rhode Island and you have any response to the question "we want to build more housing in your neighborhood" beyond "thank you, that's good, how can I help?" then you are automatically an asshole, please go TF away to Florida, dick.
End of feed.