
We need to be organizing mass actions for the next few months as best we can. Not giving in to apathy fear uncertainty and doubt.
there's nothing wrong with having feelings of despair and futility, but i think it's most responsible to avoid airing all that out in public to the greatest extent possible right now. we need to cultivate a vengeance-driven, enraged espirit de corps right now, because we need people to fight
IDK man, talking to my fellow union members, people are already mentally prepared to accept life under fascism as long as they get a paycheck. Might not be ideal, but as long as a basic level of comfort is met for them personally it's gonna be hard to get them riled up enough to strike.
lol sorry you work with fascists many of us don’t.
I'm a teacher. I work with generic liberals in deep denial. This is huge problem (that libs will go along with whatever is most convenient) for every leftist to figure out, not something to lol off as somebody else's problem.